Beat the Winter Blues

For many people winter just feels too long.

It’s the time of year when it can be easy to succumb to cabin fever. The days are short, the temperature has dropped, and the lush images of Spring seem far away.

It is also a time when many people turn their focus on life’s challenges and not in a good “I’m going to work on this” way, but more like a scratchy repeating record that plays over and over. So what’s a person to do? Here are eight simple basic things you can do right now to start beating the Winter Blues.

1. Get Moving – that’s right, get off of the sofa and start moving your body. This doesn’t mean you have to start a rigorous exercise regimen. For many, it might simply mean to literally stand up and walk around the house. The act of moving your body is one of the quickest ways to change how you feel.

2. Once your up and moving, get some fresh air. If nothing precludes you from being outside get some warm clothes on and get out in the elements – even if it’s only for 10 minutes. Breathe in the fresh Winter air. Your lungs will thank you for the break from the staleness of being indoors.

3. Stimulate your auditory sense by listening to some of your favorite music. Give yourself a break from t.v. and computer screens.

4. Soak yourself in light. Look out the windows, go out into the light. Keep your home comfortably lit. Allow as much natural light in as possible but also use lamps that make you feel cozy and warm.

5. Stay connected to your friends and loved ones. Pick up the telephone and have an actual conversation. Don’t limit yourself to just sending a text or email. The sound of a human voice can and will make you feel more connected to those you care about.

6. Start an indoor chore or project you have been putting off. It doesn’t have to be a major home renovation, it might be just organizing a closet or cleaning out the “I don’t know what to do with it” drawer.

7. Re-frame what Winter means to you. It might be viewed as a time when things slow down just a bit, a period to reflect and to plan. It could be that you decide to take up an outdoor activity such as cross country skiing or snow shoeing. You might realize you want to capture the beauty that Winter affords with photography. It can be anything, the point is to look for and be open to the opportunities that only Winter has to offer.

8. Be appreciative and thankful for the contrast that winter provides. It allows us to know how alive the other seasons truly are. It is a yearly testament to the ongoing cycle of life. Spring will follow.

So there you have it, eight simple ways to get you started in your quest to beat the Winter Blues. I’m confident if you give them a try you will be well on your way to discovering many more healthy ways to feel great over the Winter.

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