Bad Foods You Can Still Have in Your Diet and Actually Lose Weight

Who knew you could diet and eat eggs at the same time? Not only are eggs not really a bad food for your diet, eggs can actually help your diet out. Since eggs are full of protein and protein takes a while to digest, eating an egg a day is not only OK, but can keep you fuller, longer. This helps you keep on track with your diet. Learn other so-called bad foods that are actually good for your diet!

Bring on the steak (and eggs, perhaps?)! Lean steak, like sirloin or tenderloin, has barely more saturated fat than chicken breast, and is far more tasty and has more protein. Like eggs, steak can keep you fuller, longer. If you keep your steak portion small (like the size of your palm or smaller) you can enjoy your steak and actually help your diet out! Just make sure to do a huge helping of veggies on the side.

Don’t like steak? Then you can go with pork (no, not bacon or sausage). A pork tenderloin is similar to a steak, and has 31% less fat substance than pork used to years ago. Again, all that protein will keep you fuller, longer, and you can enjoy a nice helping of pork without feeling like a pig. So, don’t feel bad for having steak or pork now and then, it won’t ruin your diet.

Yay, pasta! You can eat pasta and actually enjoy it and not ruin your diet- simply switch to whole grain pasta and keep your serving small, like a cup amount or less per serving. Whole grain pasta actually helps to burn belly fat anyhow, so when you have that pasta craving, choose a whole grain pasta and enjoy- you’re burning off that belly fat and helping out your diet by being satisfied with your meal. So- remember brown pasta, not white (brown rice is better than white rice as well) and you won’t be jacking up your caloric intake and ruining your diet.

You can eat nuts, any nuts, and still stick to your diet (even pistachios). Nuts have been proven to curb hunger, so a handful of nuts during the day will pump you up with energy, give you a nice boost of protein, and make that grumbling in your stomach quiet down for a while. For a mid-day craving, a handful of nuts (toss in some raisins for a sweet fix, too) can keep your hunger cravings at bay and help you stay on your diet course.

Eat your cheese, that calcium helps your body burn more fat. In fact, enjoy your milk, cheese, and yogurt to low-fat abandon and you can know that you are actually helping your body burn body fat when you nosh on that cheese stick. All that calcium is important for vital bone health anyhow. Don’t balk at cheese and other dairy products, just stick to low-fat versions, and actually help your body burn fat.

Coffee burns calories by boosting your metabolism, and also keeps those annoying hunger cravings at bay. Stick to skim milk and honey as an additive or drink your coffee black, and you’re in good shape. What gives coffee a bad rep is all that sugar and cream you put in there. Keep it simple and your coffee will keep you on your diet goal, no problem.

In fact, pretty much all bad foods can be a part of your diet if you can limit yourself. Have a slice of cheesecake, just make it a sliver. Eat a baggie of Doritos, just make it the small one. Any dietitian will allow the diet busting foods into your diet so you can learn to eat them in moderation- but who knew that there were any off-limits foods that could actually help out your diet! I’ll eat to that!


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