Back to School Series Weeks Two and Three

Week two came and went without having a moment to take a breath. Apparently my English teacher has decided that we need more assignments. “Yes,” I can see him saying, “give them more work. More I say!” That is when the lightning strikes over the dark, spooky castle on the impossibly high peak, and maniacle laughter echos out of the opening in the labratory ceiling. I was an English major, but my sadistic streak only goes so far…

So, the insanity continues, with me scheduling myself right down to the bathroom visits. And when this occurs, someting is bound to come along and throw the preverbial wrench into the gears of progress. So I should not have been amazed that I forgot my flash drive for my computer class, and could not complete my lab on Wednesday. There went 10 points. And the “A” I was carrying slips to a “B”…

On the upside, our social life now consists of grocery shopping. Not the fun kind. Just the groceries and the school clothes for the kids. And as I watch more closely on campus, I see a wider variety of folks now looking to improve their station in life with a degree. Years ago, it was the jean-clad great unwashed poplulation, with the occasional brave soul above 30 years old, trying to complete their degree for that promotion. Today, I see everyone from those my age (and yes even older… thank goodness) those who bring their tween’s to sit outside of class on Saturday mornings, those with toddlers in the bookstore, and those who have enrolled to go through college with their kids. From the widely pierced, to the biker-dude to the business executive, we are all rubbing elbows in class. So it seems that “everybody’s doin’ it.” And it warms my heart.

But what concerns me is how long can I keep this up? Tom and I took our math quiz this morning and I am reminded of how thankful I am that we are in two classes together. We bolster each other, watch out for assignments for one another, and we realized today that we are only 13 weeks out from the end of the semester… Oh I’m already so tired.

Next week, Tom has two gigs with the band for which he mixes sound. Essentially he will be working 12 days in a row. And, being the thoughtful, compassionate wife I am, already have the time booked with school work, household chores and a few wonderful brief moments at the store purchasing large plastic containers to organize our laundry room and closets. I can fit in actually putting all of these devices to use either at 3 to 4 a.m. the Tuesday after next, or it will have to wait until winter break.

And there is the laundry buzzer. Gotta run.

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