Are the Youth of Today Lacking Discipline and Respect?

Are today’s youth of America becoming increasingly rude, disrespectful and self-righteous? Do you often times find yourself blaming the parents and what must be their obvious lack in teaching their children morals and giving them structure?

More and more children come across as entitled, spoiled and downright bratty. “Please” and “Thank you” have all but disappeared and doors are no longer held open but are left to slam in your face. Is this what we as a country have to look forward to for our future?

When we come across the youth who act these ways we can’t help but look upon the young individual in disgust. Or perhaps we instead pity them and are disgusted with the parents or parent for not teaching them how to be courteous or polite.

In reality it is probably the parents fault their child is disrespectful or rude. The popular choice lately seems to be that parents want to befriend their kids, not parent them. By not giving many rules to follow the child in question is usually raised with few morals and barely hears the word “No”.

With virtually no discipline how can someone learn right from wrong or what is appropriate or inappropriate? They simply can’t. Without proper structure kids are growing into menace’s no one wants to be around.

And it’s not just the younger parents who can’t be bothered to parent and properly discipline their children. There are plenty of older parents who are afflicted as well. Is it an epidemic? Should we be worried? That our country could one day be overrun by ungrateful, uncouth adults is a scary thought.

Does this problem affect every single young adult in America? Of course not. There are still children out there who have been raised correctly and are a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately though it seems the impolite ones are becoming more and more prevalent. In the end it is a sad truth, but it needs to be addressed.

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