A Weekly Workout for Adolescent Teen Males

Reason to Work Out and Gain Muscle

Ever since I was a young boy, I have always been rather skinny for my age. As I grew older, I wanted to become bigger and stronger so I could stand up for myself, feel more confident, and stay healthy.

It was only last year that I finally decided that I wanted to put my thoughts into action. I signed up the next day at the Orland Park Sportsplex, a workout center in my hometown.

My Weekly Workout Routine

When I first started out lifting weights and running, I had no idea where to begin – I felt intimated at the gym and not making any progress. It was only after I spoke with my dad, an experienced weightlifter that I started to improve.

It is first important to learn about weightlifting and healthy exercise online before beginning a new workout routine. According to WebMD, for example, overstraining your body and trying lifting too much weight too soon can actually be dangerous, let alone helpful in gaining muscle.

This is my routine that I have been working on for a year:

I put in the effort to work out at least 5-6 days a week weight lifting, and run approximately 20 minutes each day at gym’s indoor track after I finish lifting. I started out with a low number of reps and weight, but now bench roughly 165 pounds and alternate between fewer reps and heavier weight with more reps and less weight. I spend each day on different muscles to allow my different muscle groups to rest while focusing on others, such as one day on my pectorals and triceps, while another day on my biceps. After my workout, I pour one spoonful of whey protein powder into a glass of skim milk to maximize the effects and help rebuild my muscles more strongly.

Results of my Workout Routine

Overall, I have been extremely pleased with the results of my weekly workouts. I feel that I have made considerable progress – my arms look bigger and feel stronger, I can now run two miles without stopping easily, and I have a more athletic, compact build.

Since I have tried to work out often and take good care of my body this past year through aerobic exercise and lifting weights, I have found that others have noticed as well. My family and friends have noticed a positive difference in my more toned body build, and I feel more confident as a result.

Most importantly, I have become a healthier and happier me because of my weekly workout routine.



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