5 Cleaning Secrets of a Spotless Home

Does your house cleaning routine go into overdrive mode when company is on the way? Does it resemble a slow cooker for the rest of the week? Even out the highs and lows of homemaking with a cleaning schedule resulting in a spotless home — all the time.

List all Tasks

By this I mean each and every sundry little task — from dusting the light fixtures on down to putting the dishes into the dishwasher. The goal here is to spend some time and discover the various housekeeping activities that your home demands. Think through each process and the time it takes to perform it.

Divide, Group and Assign a Time Slot

Identify cleaning activities you really need to do every day. For example, cleaning the dishes and vacuuming floors are daily tasks if you have children and keep pets. Skip the daily vacuuming if you do not have youngsters or pets in the home. Group together like tasks for maximum efficiency; a good example is the dusting of light fixtures. If you already have the stepping stool and long-handle duster out, why not give the entire home’s light fixtures the once-over? Assign a scheduled day to the task.

Appoint Storage for Clutter Elimination

Clutter is the declared enemy of a clean home. Attempts at a spotless abode frequently fail because the homeowner either has too much stuff or too few places to put it. Downsize as needed and set up appropriate storage solutions for the rest. If every coin, piece of paper and clothing item has an assigned place, the living room couch or dining room table clutter is virtually eliminated.

Develop a Daily, Weekly and Monthly Habit

At the onset of the cleaning schedule you are bound to be excited by the lure of the clean home. Would it not be great if the sudden phone call that announces a friend’s dropping by no longer comes with frantic scrubbing activity? Probably by day two or three, the honeymoon is over and the hectic schedule of work and family obligations takes over. Resist the temptation to divert from the cleaning schedule “just this once!” Instead, insist doggedly on developing a cleaning habit; keep it up, and a consistently spotless home is an inevitable side effect.

Have the Right Tools for the Job

Use all-purpose wipes for tidying counter tops and mirrors. Easy to clean trash cans make sanitary practices simple. Cut down on ornamental covers and pillows to decrease the amount of time it takes to make the beds in the morning. Ensure that laundry baskets are sufficiently tall and wide to hold all of the clothes. Invest in a good quality broom, mop and duster. Cleaning the kitchen floor on your hands and knees is fine in a pinch, but it is not a workable solution on a twice-weekly basis.

Sooner or later you will run into a seemingly consistent road block. Whether it is window washing, dusting or carpet cleaning, one task seems to be more of a chore than any of the others. If you are able, consider outsourcing this one task. For example, you might be able to hire a college student to take on the window cleaning — for a fee — and thereby free up a bit of time. Rather than allowing the cleaning schedule to get derailed because you are again playing catch-up, adapt it as needed to fit your needs.

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