Why is it that I always mess everything up

Health related question in topics Conversational Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is it that I always mess everything up”,you can compare them.

Maybe you just need to stop and think before you take action. ChaCha!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-it-that-i-always-mess-everything-up ]
More Answers to “Why is it that I always mess everything up
Why do I always mess everything up?
You’re not messing things up. If he’s asking you to come over to his house, it’s only one things he’s after,your goodies. It’s a good thing you said no. If he really liked you he would have asked you to dinner and a movie. The guy’s a creep…
Why do I make my life so difficult? Everything could be perfect b…?
Mia, Your Mum is your Mum, she would worry far more if you didn’t talk to her. Yes she gets upset, but that is because she doesn’t want you to struggle. No, she doesn’t need the stress but she also doesn’t need you to be in difficulty eithe…

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why do i always mess up everything?
Q: i lose things not intentionally, i forget, i daydream constantly. Is there something wrong with me?
A: These are some of the classic symptoms of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). I would advise you to see your Doctor who may refer you to a Paediatrician.
Why do I always mess everything up?!?
Q: Okay so my latest mistake..This guy I liked asked me round his house one day this week. He liked me I think. So I said I dunno..because I was shy. Now I have missed my chance, he hasn’t asked me again. He’s not even talking to me!! I have done so many things like this, and I hate myself for ages after! How can I stop myself turning down opportunities Also how can I make myself feel better about this boy?Thanks..Madalyne xxIts not that he wants just one thing..I know that for a fact =]
A: You’re not messing things up. If he’s asking you to come over to his house, it’s only one things he’s after,your goodies. It’s a good thing you said no. If he really liked you he would have asked you to dinner and a movie. The guy’s a creep and you can do better.
Why when a family gets together somebody always messes up everything?
Q: there is always somebody that will say sth wrong and screw up everything. why does that always happens?
A: you are preaching to the choir man…some people just like drama
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