Why is it called stockholm syndrome

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Stockholm syndrome was named by the media for the response of hostages in a 1970’s bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-it-called-stockholm-syndrome ]
More Answers to “Why is it called stockholm syndrome
What is Stockholm syndrome?
Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological effect created by hostage-like situations (e.g., battered wives, abused children, etc.) whereby human life is dependent upon the actions of the more powerful party or to persons who have the power to de…
Is there a book or a movie called/about Stockholm Syndrome??
I am quite sure that if you have the credentials, mainly the research (and maybe, if you can, at least one ‘connection’ in that field), you should write a book about Stockholm Syndrome. A lot of people are interested in that, because a lot …
Can domestic abuse and Stockholm Syndrome collide Meaning can fee…?
An abused person can identify with their abuser. The abuse itself would not be called Stockholm Syndrome. How the abused feels about the abuser would be Stockholm Syndrome.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is it called stockholm syndrome?
Q: just wondering…
A: “The name derives from a 1973 hostage incident in Stockholm, Sweden. At the end of six days of captivity in a bank, several kidnap victims actually resisted rescue attempts, and afterwards refused to testify against their captors.”
why is stockholm syndrome called stockholm sydrom?
A: Because people are stupid and lazy.
Is there a book or a movie called/about Stockholm Syndrome?
Q: I’m really interested in doing a book about Stockholm Syndrome, mostly from the POVs of the victim and the abuser. I know Stockholm Syndrom has been mentioned in some TV shows and such, but has this already been done?
A: I am quite sure that if you have the credentials, mainly the research (and maybe, if you can, at least one ‘connection’ in that field), you should write a book about Stockholm Syndrome.A lot of people are interested in that, because a lot of media has presented it… mainly Hollywood scripts. Didn’t that movie “The Mexican” with Pitt, Roberts and M.G. do a ‘bad guy’ turns out to be ‘okay’ thing?And think of the classic with Robert DeNiro and Charles ___ (shoot. ?) where Charles is a much smarter white collar criminal and DeNiro is an almost fired bounty hunter and they spend much of the movie handcuffed together; definitely together at the very least… I have this one and can’t find it to give you the title. A clerk would know.There is an award-winning novel about this too, in which, among others, an opera diva and an accomplished pianist are kidnapped and every one becomes as a sort of ‘family,’ but it ends so… And I can’t think of the name of it. A South or Central American writer as I recall.These ‘popular’ at-least-bits-of-media touching this subject lead the way, I think, into more wanted. Go for it.
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