Why do we wake up when you die in your dreams

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In dreams, to die yourself is very troubling. Most people feel that death is a strong enemy to be avoided so they wake up. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-we-wake-up-when-you-die-in-your-dreams ]
More Answers to “Why do we wake up when you die in your dreams
Why do we always wake up before we die in dreams??
You are in a dream, awake and asleep, and you do not know this question nor its answer when awake,nor asleep. Therefore, you reach the point where you were when you asked this question.You must wake up or dream an answer, because you have a…
Do you die in your dreams, or do you wake up?
I died in the earliest dream I remember (from about 4 years old; bizarre – bought a bullet from a tank with a red star, go figure!). And have died in some other dreams. Didn’t wake right up. Have died in some and ‘come back to life’. One wa…
Why do you always wake up before you die in a dream??
Perhaps we wake from dreams just before death because we haven’t yet experienced death. Similar to a glitch that freezes a computer, we are shocked by absent and/or erroneous data and are forced to wake up.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is it in dreams you wake up when you die in the dream?
Q: I know this sounds really weird, but i’ve always wondered. Why is it when you have a nightmare and you ‘die’ in the dream or realize that it is actually just a dream, you wake up? Also, why is it that you do not have a sort of ‘free will’ in dreams and everything just seems to go along?
A: i guess dying is such a surprise that it jolts you awake. and actually, there is a way to have free will in your dreams. it’s called lucid dreaming. while you dream, you’re conscious that you’re dreaming and you can control what you do. i’ve tried to lucid dream, but it’s very hard. i wanted to fly and see what it’s like, but i had an unconscious dream that i was running very fast. it’s supposed to be very fun because you can do things you couldn’t do in ordinary life, like make it rain candy.http://www.dreamviews.com/whatislucid.php
Why do we always wake up before we die in dreams?
Q: Is it so we don’t know what happens next,Is it our mind,Or is it so we don’t know whether were going to heaven or hell?
A: It is because we have never experienced death before, so it is hard for the subconscious to create the experience of death in dreams.However, this does not mean that it is impossible for someone to dream that they are dying.
How come in my dreams I wake up right when I die?
Q: This always happen to me… during my dreams someone is always chasing after me, a bad guy or something, and in the end I get caught and almost about to die but right when I die, I wake up. Why is this so? And why is there always someone chasing me and looking for me?Thanks in advance 🙂
A: I have not woken and died in dreams, Most the time your whole body can be moving as you get close to dying and you find it too traumatic and wake up. Watch a dog dreaming some times you can put things in their mind by talking to them softly like get em’ or catch him. and they truck right along till they catch or lose the prey. Your using more brain power in those dreams than being awake, My neurologist showed me a dream state scan and the activity off the chart. The being chased in dreams are better analyzed people that do it all the time. they could mean your running from something in your life or there is some decision you are trying to make.
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