Why do we cry when we are in pain

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do we cry when we are in pain”,you can compare them.

Scientists are still baffled as to the mechanisms in your body that cause you to cry. ChaCha!!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-we-cry-when-we-are-in-pain ]
More Answers to “Why do we cry when we are in pain
Why do we cry when we feel pain?
when we feel pain, it triggers to our brain, sending a message that we are emotionally or physically in critical condition. Our brain begins to have electrical discharges, which stimulates salty water fluids from the charge, forcing it outs…
How old were you the last time that physical pain made you cry??
I was and still am 16, May 2008 i cried so badly After having an operation on my abdomen, they bruised the inner tissue of my stomach because they couldn’t find what they was looking for the. pain was Immense, never wanna go through that ag…
Is 16 too old to cry from Physical Pain?
ouch, that must hurt. if’s their really aching pain, then cry if your forced to to tolerate the pain. but just don’t be a whiny boy and start crying, complaining, and crying again

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do we cry when we feel pain and happiness?
Q: When we feel pain, we instantly cry, tears begin to flow. Why? How?Why do we catch a cold and get a runny nose when we cry too?SEVENMONKEYSim 13..and lol they dont know
A: Children cry instantly, adults do not.And you do not catch colds from crying.
Biologically speaking, why is the human body programmed to cry when we get upset, are in pain or depressed?
Q: What are the purpose of tears to us when we enter a state of distress or sadness or extreme happiness? Is crying a cultural thing or a biological thing?
A: It is also a spiritual thing. We cry in the spiritual world as well. Out of Joy and Spiritual bliss. We don’t have material bodied there but we still cry. Everything in this world is a perverted reflection of the absolute world. This world is called Maya or illusion and is temporary and full of misery. Here our emotions and sense pleasure is selfishly motivated where in the spiritual world it is all connected to our Love For God and all His parts and parcels. This knowledge is from the Vedic Knowledge where all questions can be answered if one is sincerely seeking truth.
Why is it when we are in severe emotional pain we cry?
Q: No stupid answers please.
A: For one thing, it is a natural response and often very difficult to avoid. Also, it has been scientifically proven (seriously) that tears cried from being upset contain more toxins than other kinds of tears.
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