Why do people think about killing themselves

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People sometimes think about killing themselves when trying to escape from a situation that seemed impossible to deal with. chacha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-think-about-killing-themselves ]
More Answers to “Why do people think about killing themselves
Why don’t people who think the earth is overpopulated ever consid…?
Because the problem isn’t overpopulation. It is the refusal to allow land to be used for farming. The amount of corn that is used to make one tank of Ethanol could be used to feed a family of four for a month. But men like Al Gore do not wa…
When do you think the human race will realize they’re killing the…?
Our planet will not die until the sun burns out. Everything revolves around a cycle. This planet has survived for millions of years all with life. There will never be a scarcity of anything but certain species of animals. Humans are far too…
Should people have the right to kill themselves? What do you thin…?
Yeah, people should be able to end their own lives if they want to. If there is a law against killing yourself, then that implies that your life isn’t yours at all, and it belongs to someone else, like the government. I don’t really like th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do people think that suffering makes us stronger? What about the people who kill themselves because of…?
Q: Suffering?If suffering is suppose to make us stronger than why do certain people kill themselves or wallow in their own misery via drugs, sex, depression, self- infliction etc?Its not kind or right to say that these inviduals are weak, its just that suffering isn’t a wanted desire for anyone.And it is not entirely true that suffering builds character because it can also destroy someone’s chacater.So again what is the purpose for suffering- if it can build or destroy one’s character?
A: How can you say that people who get into “drugs and self-infliction” don’t want to suffer? That whole idea that suffering has a purpose is nonsense. When we make a mistake we either LEARN or Burn. Learning is the purpose of Life.
Why is it so common now to hear about people going on killing sprees then killing themselves.?
Q: When i opened up yahoo.com the first story i saw was 10 people being killed in a killing spree and then the gunman killing himself.It seems like this is happening alot now. Why do you think its happening?
A: ” Our generation has had no great war, not great depression. Our war is spiritual and our lives. Our depression is our lives”Chuck Palahniuk
Why don’t people who think the earth is overpopulated ever consider killing themselves as a solution?
Q: I used to think that overpopulation was the biggest of earth’s problems too until I realized what an elitist I was being and I didn’t even qualify to be an elitist.
A: Because the problem isn’t overpopulation. It is the refusal to allow land to be used for farming. The amount of corn that is used to make one tank of Ethanol could be used to feed a family of four for a month. But men like Al Gore do not want to consider that as an option.
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