Why do humans have a conscious

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do humans have a conscious”,you can compare them.

A lot of scientists believe a person’s conscience is a society-forming instinct; it seperates us as individuals weak or strong. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-humans-have-a-conscious ]
More Answers to “Why do humans have a conscious
Why are humans Conscious?
“Evolved brain function.” “It’s an emergent property of complex systems.” This cannot be said for certain, your answers are guesses at best. If we understood consciousness as your answers claim we do, we would be able to…
When do humans become self aware/conscious?
They became self-aware when they became the species Homo. They became self-aware of self-awareness in the pre-Socratic period, around the time of Thales. Individuals become self-aware almost immediately, such when an infant begins touching …
Are humans reaching towards a collective conscious?
The knowledge of Thoth and Enoch implies humans are meant to evolve beyond our present terrestrial form into higher beings with a higher stage of consciouness.

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A: Are you saying that a self conscious Ape is a human being?
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A: Definately. Regardless that intelligence and consciousness are very different, I think if you have one you most likely have the other. Therefore a lot of animals do. But because humans are easily the most intelligent and conscious animals, no species comes close to us. A lot of the less sophisticated animals act only on instinct, not on reason etc. Chimps, on the other hand, can think for themselves.
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