Why can’t everything be perfect

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why can’t everything be perfect”,you can compare them.

We think that we want everything perfect but I think it would be really boring. Imperfect worlds give us the gift of new lessons. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-can%27t-everything-be-perfect ]
More Answers to “Why can’t everything be perfect
Why can’t everything be perfect?
Yes he’s very respectful outside of these settings. I actually usually don’t go to parties cause it’s just not my scene. But every so often I’ll go, and he does something to make me feel uncomfortable almost every time. And then, afterwards…
How did I get here? I had everything in perfect order,”?
Dr. Gordon says, echoing the sentiment we have when we find ourselves at the end of our downward spiral into sin. His series of compromises started with innocent flirtation and ended with him in a seedy hotel with a woman other than his wif…
Has a video showing him doing everything perfect. Is it fake??
come on man curt henning is dead
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