Who has the easier life men or women

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Who has the easier life men or women”,you can compare them.

I think men have life easier in general because they don’t have to deal with a lot of things that women do. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-has-the-easier-life-men-or-women ]
More Answers to “Who has the easier life men or women
Who has it easier in life, men or women?
I agree with you. Women are given equality in everything. But many of them still try to manipulate men into paying their way. Women have alot of options when it comes to bailing out of the workforce. They can get men, family, and government…
Do Men Have Life Easier Than Women?
Most men have life much easier….. like I said most. I know a lot of men that has the same responsibilities as women. They are single parents, work, attend school, cook, clean or whatever their case may be. Of coarse they are built Ford to…
Is life easier for women or men?
not everyone. Most. Maybe there’s a few good reasons to go to war, but I can’t think of any myself. When I do think of a good reason, I might join, but for now, Ill opt to live the life I’m living now.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Who has it easier in life , men or women and why?
Q: I have heard it both ways so who really has it easier, men or women?
A: well i really beleive men have it easier because women have to give birth have periods and as for shaving and hair and makeup we dont have to wear it and shave it but its also a gift to give life to someone i would way rather be a female then a male
Who has an easier life: men, or women?
Q: In my algebra class today, this kid named joe decided to open his mouth and say that women have it much easier than men. I totally disagree! (i am a woman). i think that women have it harder than men because we have to go into labor and deliver another life! also, its not easy dealing with bills and cleaning! so, what do you think? i am open to anything. i know that some situations are different for each family, ex. divorce, single parent, etc.thanks!
A: Women definitely have it harder. Along with periods and birth, women have to carry the burden of physical appearance. Why is it possible for men to be larger and attractive but women are usually dismissed as “gross”. We also experience mood swings, and have to prove ourselves as independent women and have to fight the oppression of men. (The idea that women should do the majority of housework and childcare). Women are always subject to sexism, and it proves my point that men have a much easier life. x
who has it easier in life men or women?
Q: i think women have it easier hands down, they have it easier when it comes to dating, using their looks to get a job, they can stay at home and no one knocks them for it, the list goes ona man needs to make more money, be more successful, work harder for a date, must have skills to get the job not looks, men do most of the heavy lifting when moving, or working around the house the list goes on
A: Who said LIFE was easy??? When it comes to dating? Women have to be careful of their reputations! Once a woman is labeled a whore, the whole community will shun her…a woman can get pregnant from having sex….the man can easily walk away and not have to sign his life away for the next 18 years in raising the child…let’s not even mention the pregnancy part!!! Labor and pushing that baby out!!!Have you ever tried staying home to raise the kids, cook and clean up after everyone, drive to and from school, for the kids….taking them to the dentist, doctor’s and whatever extra curricular activities they may have? Grocery shopping to stock up food and supplies…making sure dinner is ready for you when you get home…..she would have already been working a complete 10-11 hours by now!A woman has to be a mother, a wife, a nurse, a chauffeur, a teacher, a banker, a cook, a maid, a counselor….and the list goes on…..A man may have convinced himself that we are of no significance forgetting that lovely woman who busted her butt to take care of him….but in the back of his mind….he remembers her well!!!
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