What to do if someone is acting passive aggressive

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What to do if someone is acting passive aggressive”,you can compare them.

If someone is being passive aggressive towards you, you should just be up front and ask them to stop acting that way. ChaCha!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-to-do-if-someone-is-acting-passive-aggressive ]
More Answers to “What to do if someone is acting passive aggressive
What does it mean for a person to act passive aggressive?
Passive aggressive behavior involves acting in ways that are not directly aggressive, but which express aggressive attitudes. For example, the pot that my wife left on the stove is boiling over, but I let it happen “because she’s the o…
How to Know When You Are Acting Passive Aggressive
・ Look at these methods of behaving and realize that they are all aspects of passive/aggressive behavior… ・ Look at the things you find hard to do . There are many things a passive/aggressive cannot bring themselves… ・ Understand that y…
How would passive aggressive girl act towards her crush??
No, I don’t think their scared of relationships – their probably maybe a bit sh about making the first move – but once made and contact established then the other side of their nature kicks in.

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Is he acting passive-aggressive?
Q: Ok, here is the deal – lately my husband has been saying hateful things to me in a very serious tone & when I get upset & confront him he just says he was only joking & that I’d “know it” if he were really being hateful. I know he IS being hateful & is just covering up by saying “it’s just a joke.” He never used to be like this & I think it’s a form of passive-aggressive behavior on his part. Am I right & if so, what can I do to break him of it?Details: If I confront him, he denies it & says it was just a joke & that I am too sensitive. (Basically blames it on me)He says he has always been like this, but he has not. After his denials, he becomes apologetic.I have asked him if there is anything in our relationship that he is dissatisfied with. The only thing he saiys he is dissatisfied with is our sex life, but our sex life has been on the fritz for years due to meds I take & his new behaviour is recent, so I don’t think it has anything to do w/ sex. Or maybe it does. Heck I don’t know.Thanks for the input, please keep it coming!
A: Textbook case. There is something amiss in the relationship if you say that this is new behavior. You may need professional help-if the two of you cannot work it out amongst yourselves.
What does it mean for a person to act passive aggressive?
A: Passive aggressive is when someone has aggressive feelings, but they only express them in a roundabout (passive) way. They might do something secretly or underhandedly to get you back without ever talking to you about their problem. The type of person who would spread a rumor or steal all the couch cushions so no one else can sit instead of being honest and talk to you about what’s bothering them.
How would a passive aggressive girl act towards her crush?
Q: How would a passive aggressive girl act towards her crush? And are they romantically shy and scared of relationships? Please explain!
A: there manipulative and dead inside, dont go for a girl like that they only break your heart my friend
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