What makes people shy

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Shyness is a mix of environment, genetics and learned behavior as a child. All of these things determine whether someone is shy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-makes-people-shy ]
More Answers to “What makes people shy
What makes people shy?
People can be shy for many different reasons, low self esteem, fear of failure, beliefs of inadequacy – I suppose you could say that people would blame many negative traits to shyness. I would argue however that many shy people have hidden …
Why Shy People Make Great Networkers
There are definitely some good strategies for overcoming shyness–join a public speaking training organization such as Toastmasters, practice your self-introduction until you feel comfortable, or take a stand-up comedy class (after standing…
Does that make me bad? Do you dislike shy people?
I’m cool with shy. I have an outgoing outward appearance, but am ultimately incredibly shy.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some people thinking that makes them shy?
Q: What were some people thinking that creates a feeling of shyness?But shyness is considered a negative trait in both males and females. And no one likes feeling shy.
A: i’m very shy and i’m always scared that people will judge me if I do or say something wrong.
When people are shy, what makes them have a soft spoken voice?
Q: Like its my friend and She has a soft Spoken voice because she’s shy and quiet. Her brother told me she dont be shy at all at home but when she’s at school she shy for some reason and she all ways been like that since pre-school. What makes her shy and why do she talk so soft and how can she overcome it??
A: she is probably self-concious or uncomfortable around a large amount of people that she doesn’t know well
What do you think about my theory that shy and introverted people make good or even better actors?
Q: The actors that come to my mind are Robert Deniro, Al Pacino and James Dean. All which in my opinion have been fine actors, and all in which of who’m are for the most part somehwat shy and introverted. Being shy and introverted kind of go hand in hand. Shy meaning self-conscious or timid in the presence of others, and introverted meaning shrinking from outside contacts and drawing into oneself. Being a shy and introverted person, I feel an awkwardness while in the presence of others whether they are introverted or extroverted. Here is my theory on why shy and introverted people make good actors. Shy and introverted people feel an extra pressure (more than others) to put up a false front in an attempt to escape that awkwardness they feel around others. Kind of like a coping mechanism. Eventually, over time and experience, they become masters in appearing to be something that they truly are not which in turn gives them the ability to become good actors. However this is just a theory. I do not believe it to be false or true. Regardless, there are many ingredients that makes a person a good actor. “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players” -Shakespeare.
A: You are probably right. Your reasoning is not necessarily correct though. The reason they make good actors is because by using the mantle of their characters, they can become someone else for a while. A very liberating experience for somebody who “lives within himself” every day. It is also probably due to the fact that people who are shy and/or introverted have to learn to blend into the background in any situation they find themselves in. As such, they have to develop the very skills that make a good actor. This not only applies to actors. Have you ever noticed how some of the greatest showmen in the music industry also seem to be very quiet people in interviews? Yet again, they hide behind their stage persona and rarely if ever show themselves to others. This is one of the reasons so many escape into drugs and alcohol.
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