What is the reason people murder people

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Murderers have cited several reasons for their actions. Some of the most common are anger, mental illness, and jealousy. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-reason-people-murder-people ]
More Answers to “What is the reason people murder people
Is Global Crisis a reason why people commits murder??
Unfortunately, in my state their has been cases of domestic violence that starts with arguments because of finances so,Yes to ur question. Peace*
When cops routinely murder people for no reason, why aren’t they …?
How can they be held responsible after being appointed by a higher paid, grandiose, spoon fed, eloquent speaking, master version of themselves that oversees their accountability?
What reason was given for the assassination and how many people w…?
There was 5 other attempts on his life since 1935.A gang of 7 men wanted to see him dead,though the reasons I cannot find in my research. He was shot by a baretta handgun,3 shots into his chest.The shooter was Nathurem Godse and activist in…

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have any people upset by the financial crisis taken McCains & palins harsh talk as a reason to murder ?
Q: are there any people that may be on the edge. that may be nervous and fearful and angry about losing your money.. that you want to refocus your anger on killing or hurting someone because you are stirred up politically ?if so, there is help for you. please !!!!do not do anything that is going to mess your life up.please don’t thorw your life away.its just politics. its a game. i know you are hurting. but don’t waste your life behind a poltical game. .
A: it’s no game or joke. Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King were murdered in the campaign of 1968. I guarantee you this hate-mongering in the McCain/Palin rallies is catching the eye of the Secret Service, and those folks in protective services don’t mess around. They are the best. God save the USSS.
Is Global Crisis a reason why people commits murder?
Q: We see a lot of crimes all over the world such as stealing, robbing, and all those different crimes. Can this be because of the Global Crisis, that people commit so that they could be able to satisfy their needs?
A: Unfortunately, in my state their has been cases of domestic violence that starts with arguments because of finances so,Yes to ur question.Peace*
Is there some reason why people seem to think Bush has commited murder?
Q: Murder according to Webster’s: The crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethoughtPretty sure he’s never gone and killed anyone.
A: let’s see, he lied to get us into a war, sent troops over there to be killed. Malice aforethought, anyone?
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