What is the fear of whales

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Cetaphobia (a term not yet widely used by psychologists) is the fear of whales. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fear-of-whales ]
More Answers to “What is the fear of whales
Is there a phobia name for the fear of whales?
You could call it cetaphobia, specifically the fear of whales, but I don’t think this is official. It comes from the Greek cetus , also the name of the mythological Greek sea monster. Whales ARE sea monsters in my opinion. Why why why are…
How to get over my fear of whales?
Why are you trying to make yourself get over your fear of whales? Do you make yourself get over your fear of being burned? Fears don’t go away just because we decide to be rational for lent. I’d be worried about someone who lost their fea…
What is the correct name for the fear of whales?
I assume its the same as the fear of fish – Ichthyophobia. Just on a bigger scale.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to get over my fear of whales?
Q: I have an irrational fear of whales that i’d really like to get rid off, because this summer i’m going on a sea safari with some friends which has been described as ‘paradise for whale watchers’.I was pursuaded into going by my friends but i’m sort of shitting myself about it ..Anyway, I live in the UK. Is there any place I can go/things I can do to help me conquer my fear of whales?!Thanks in advance!
A: Why are you trying to make yourself get over your fear of whales? Do you make yourself get over your fear of being burned?Fears don’t go away just because we decide to be rational for lent. I’d be worried about someone who lost their fear of fire completely, especially if they asked to cook for me (I want to be several blocks away when they turned on the stove.)Also, trying to make yourself not be afraid doesn’t work. if this was a rational fear, you would have already understood and accepted it into your daily rotation (fear of car accidents happen in people who drive, but they don’t sit in the passenger seat and scream “WE’RE GOING TO CRASH!!! WE’RE GOING TO CRASH!!!!!”) Therefore, this fear of whales is irrational and cannot be reasoned away. You don’t pull out a gun and try to shoot a ghost.Everything you fear about whales is true, even if you don’t know what that exactly is. Accept it. Would you like to be fishing in the middle of the ocean and have a whale take hold of your line? HECK NO. but what are your chances of being pulled under by a whale? Unless your name is Ahab, slim to none. And the fact that you are putting yourself in a place where you risk having your fear come true is hardly the time or the place to start overcoming it. You don’t try to get over your fear of flying a week before you are scheduled to take a 18 hour flight to China.First things first, STOP FRAMING THE TRIP AROUND THE WHALES. You are going on this trip to be with friends and enjoy the sites. THAT is what you should be concentrating on. The more you revolve the trip around the fear, the more the fear will dominate the trip you take. You’ll think about whales on the plane going there, you’ll think about whales when you sleep, you’ll think about whales before the safari boat ride, you’ll think about whales during the boat ride, you’ll think about whales after the boat ride is ended and everyone else is talking about what incredible sites they saw. You’ll think about whales coming home, which will be also the only thing that makes you happy, because it is you getting away from the thoughts of all them whales.Before you can confront a fear, you have to do so from a place of calm and comfort. In other words, YOU have to control how much stimuli you can take in order for the fear to dissipate. Maybe that means watching videos of whales swimming on youtube. I am sure there are plenty of avid whale videos on youtube (and PLEASE stay away from the sensational ones, you’ll know them by their title.) Also, realize that its very likely that because you are doing this knowing you are going to go on a trip, you won’t be as effective in getting rid of the fear than if you did this without the trip. Watching videos of whales swimming, going to an aquarium and seeing them swim in an enclosed habitat, even reading books about them, can desensitive you, but only if something else (hint hint) isn’t re-sensitizing you at the same time.Accept the fact that you probably won’t get over your fear of whales before or because of this trip. It can happen, since some people change their opinion of their fear in the actual environment, but I wouldn’t be surprised or upset if it didn’t happen to you. Fears are about communicating and respecting yourself. Ignoring your fears or trying to make yourself not have them makes them worse. Think about how people introduce themselves at AA: Hello my name is …. and I am an alcoholic. They don’t start out by saying I am sober, what they want to be, they start out by declaring and accepting who they are now.Whales are big, whales don’t speak english, people who speak english and have very active imaginations (or are afraid of whales) like to make scary stories and videos about whales. Is it really strange to be afraid of whales? Just because a fear is irrational in origin doesn’t mean it can’t be approached rationally in solution or acceptance.Watch the videos and documentaries, read the books, even give them pet names like “little bas****” (pet names are a great way to minimize fear.) But go on your trip with the intention of having a good time with your friends and enjoying what you will enjoy. The whales really won’t mind if you aren’t gazing adoringly at them. They’re too busy being whales to worry about anything else.
What is the correct name for the fear of whales?
Q: i need to know what the correct name for fear of whales is ?
A: I assume its the same as the fear of fish – Ichthyophobia. Just on a bigger scale.
Does anyone have a fear of whales?
Q: Does anyone have a fear of whales or other large marine animals? What is fear of whales called “——phobia?”I have an almost paralyzing fear of whales. I freak out when I see pictures or whales on tv. I even have trouble swimming in deep water.
A: Yes. I have a fear we are going to lose them all one day!
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