What is the fear of cats

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Ailurophobia is the persistent and irrational fear of cats. Napoleon Bonaparte was a known sufferer of the affliction. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fear-of-cats ]
More Answers to “What is the fear of cats
How to overcome the fear of cats
As far back as I can remember I was afraid of cats. Those fluffy little things that millions adore. But I was terrified of them. Their presence caused me absolute terror. My heart froze and fight or flight took hold. I could only think of e…
Why do cats fear water ?
Not all cats are afraid of water. In the wild, big cats like tigers and lions enjoy the occasional swim, and fishing cats — as you can probably tell by the name — spend much of their time in or near water. A few domestic breeds like the Man…
Do dogs fear cats?
sometimes they might fear each other or the dog is scared or the cat will be scared we dont know how they communicate with eachother but it all depends

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I get over my fear of cats?
Q: I have recently started work at a vet clinic. A large part of my responsibility concerns working with cats – cleaning their cages, holding them for blood work/nail clippings, etc. However, I am very fearful of cats, and have a problem handling them. I really want to be a vet, and I want to get over my fear. How can I do this? The other vet techs depend on me to be comfortable with cats, or else they might suffer, and I don’t want to let them down.
A: Learn the techniques for proper holds and practice with a docile cat. (To see the holds in action, watch the assistant/tech that everyone in the office looks for when they have to work on a fractious cat.) Once you’re comfortable with positioning it will be easier to handle the more fractious felines. A good sturdy bath towel is helpful for working with the really cranky patients. Wrap ’em up like a kitty burrito and hold them down with one arm while presenting whatever appendage the vet/tech needs. It keeps them from hurting themselves or anyone else. (If you have a cat in the carrier who is already acting aggressive, it is sometimes easier to have another tech remove the top of the carrier while you stand by with a towel. When the top comes off, throw the towel over the cat and scoop him out.) Don’t let your nails get too long as short nails make scruffing a whole lot easier and a good scruff can be the key to controlling a patient. One last thing, and I’m afraid it won’t make you fear them any less. Unless you know a patient really well, don’t trust them! Sometimes they’re docile until they get to feeling better and sometimes they just decide that they’ve had enough. Never give them an opening. (For a calm patient, keeping one hand on the back of the neck while carrying them and during examination is a good way to keep control without using more force than necessary. If the cat starts to freak out you can scruff them in a second.) Oh, and that goes double for white cats and calicos or tortis. They were almost always trouble in clinic.Hang in there! Even the best get scratched or bit sometimes. (I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that feline mouths are a bacterial playground! If you get bit, wash it well and get thee to a doc for antibiotics if it even starts to look angry!) It’s scary at first but with practice you’ll get better. Don’t let them intimidate you and whatever you do, don’t let go. Someday, you might even enjoy working with the difficult ones. It certianly is a challenge. Best of luck!
How do I get over my ailurophobia,fear of cats?
Q: Only domesticated cats though. They’re the only animal I fear. I’m allergic to cats,I get bad asthma and normal allergies(sneezing,and a rash) from them. So I’ve never had much contact with them. I’m also rather scared of their hunting instinct,since I just love the animals they prey on.Anyway,help?
A: well first, look up cat pictures on the internet and find urself that cats are’nt scary. spend time with more cats and become more comforatable with them and dont be afraid. find the will to not be afraid. think of it like this. every second u spend with cats, u get 1 dollar. ok? dont be AFRAID!! THERE JUST SMALL FURRY ANIMALS THAT LIKE MILK!!!! didnt u ever think of that?!
What do you call a person who has a fear of animals,including fear of pet cats and dogs?
Q: My girlfriend’s mom is afraid of her pet cat and her son’s pet dog,and all other animals! What is this psychological condition of a fear of animals called ? The medical term?
A: fear of animals is called zoophobia, dogs is cynophobia, cats is ailurophobia
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