What is the difference between the subconscious and the unconscious

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Freud proposed subconscious (just below conscious but accessible with effort) & unconscious (typically not easily accessed). [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-difference-between-the-subconscious-and-the-unconscious ]
More Answers to “What is the difference between the subconscious and the unconscious
subconscious is your inner voice, unconscious is a state of unresponsiveness
, first and foremost, does not mean, as it is used in medical terminology “knocked out,” and it doesn’t mean anesthetized either. Yet these ideas have a relationship to Freud’s conception of the unconscious. In simple terms, the unconscious…
The subconscious is the part of the mind which is not fully conscious but influences actions and the unconscious is the part of the mind which is inaccessible to the conscious mind but which affects behaviour and emotions. Also, the unconsc…

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What is the difference between subconscious and unconscious?
Q: I always hear both words being mixed together. Like, when I hear subconscious, it means, not entirely aware, but I hear unconscious being the same and vice-versa.It always gets me confused when I hear those words that I try to avoid it all together. I also hear terms like “unconscious actions” that are “my own” and “subconscious thoughts” that are “outside my mind” which is just confusing. How do you define both words and also, do psychologists even agree on what each term means?
A: , first and foremost, does not mean, as it is used in medical terminology “knocked out,” and it doesn’t mean anesthetized either. Yet these ideas have a relationship to Freud’s conception of the unconscious. In simple terms, the unconscious is the store of collected information that has been repressed and is not easily brought to the conscious mind. These memories not recognized by the conscious mind can be memories of trauma, or even simply memories, thought patterns, desires, and sense impressions that remain far below the accessible surface. Because they are in essence, inaccessible without psychoanalysis, they may drive and control the conscious mind on unseen levels. Much of Freud’s id and superego work in the background of the unconscious, creating illness, mental problems, neuroses, and a host of other issues.The unconscious and the subconscious are vastly different, though non-psychiatric professionals often incorrectly use subconscious. In contrast to the unconscious, the subconscious mind lies just below consciousness, and it is easily accessible if attention is paid to it. For instance, you might know someone’s phone number. This information is not stored in your conscious mind, but in your subconscious. If you think about it, you can produce the phone number, but it isn’t simply floating around in your conscious mind. You need to direct your attention to memory in order to dredge up the phone number. Those memories you can recall easily are not conscious unless you pay attention and focus. When someone asks you to describe your perfect day, you reach into your subconscious mind for these memories.
What’s the difference between subconscious and unconscious? How to get in touch with both respectively?
A: OK,I’m not a pro and I will defer to the people who answer after me, but from my understanding, the conscious part of you mind is the part that is in the thick of your daily matters, interaction with people, things you have to do, relatioships with people. It’s only a small part of the overall brain, but the one that allows you to function in society and do what you have to. The subconscious is the more powerful of the two, but it is also the part without (or beyond) language, so you can’t sit down and consciously think abouut things that are bothering you, well, at least not to the depths of the subconscious mind. The subconscious manifests itself in dream, or what we might call “inuitionor or hunches. The conscious mind tells you what you have to do today, say, for example, hand in a term paper, or what you want to do, like ask a girl out on a date. But the subconscious associates reasons in the form of feelings: emotion. LIke perhaps you are afraid to ask the girl out, but the strong desire and attraction from your subconscious mind cannot be denied. In summary, planning time and courses of actions if more of a conscious activity, but the energy that comes from emotions are deeper, as is your sense of self , both of which come from your subconscious. People do various exercises to observe or rest the subconcious and conscious mind, the best in my experience being meditation.
What is the difference between the subconscious and the unconscious?
Q: I’ve read that the unconscious cannot be known except through dreams, and that the subconscious is under consciousness, so how do you know when you are accessing your subconscious? How do you know it’s not something unconscious instead?
A: <1> “For the physiological state of “being unconscious”, as when one is concussed or in a coma, see unconsciousness. In psychoanalytic theory, the unconscious refers to that part of mental functioning of which subjects make themselves unaware. The psychoanalytic unconscious is similar to but not precisely the same as the popular notion of the subconscious.For psychoanalysis, the unconscious does not include all of what is simply not conscious – it does not include e.g. motor skills – but rather, only what is actively repressed from conscious thought.”<2> “The notion of a subconscious in some branches of psychotherapy is considered to be the deepest level of consciousness, that we are not directly aware of, but still affects conscious behavior. This notion is similar to, but not precisely the same as, the notion of the unconscious in psychoanalytic theory.At the present stage, there are still fundamental disagreements within psychology about the nature of the subconscious mind (if indeed it is considered to exist at all), whereas outside formal psychology a whole world of pop-psychological speculation has grown up in which the unconscious mind is held to have any number of properties and abilities, from animalistic and innocent, child-like aspects to savant-like, all-perceiving, mystical and occultic properties.”
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