What is the difference between an addiction and an obsession

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the difference between an addiction and an obsession”,you can compare them.

An addiction is a dependence on something, and obsession is a compulsive preoccupation. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-difference-between-an-addiction-and-an-obsession ]
More Answers to “What is the difference between an addiction and an obsession
What is the difference between an Addiction and an Obsession??
They are definately similar. An addiction is subconscious. It doesn’t like to be exposed to the light of truth. It’s easy to deny that there is a real problem though it slowly blows you and your life apart. You can quit for years at a time …
What is the difference between obsession and addiction in psychol…?
Addiction is a physical response in the brain, when the brain takes a substance, usually chemical, and uses it to become functional. It is also learning and a reward response. So if you’re addicted to running, you’re really addicted to the …
What do you think is the difference between addiction and obsessi…?
It’s a very thin line I believe. Obsession is not being able to think about anything else and so you have withdrawal symptoms. Addiction is not being able to think of anything else and have withdrawal symptoms. So a borderline obsession wou…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What’s the difference between an addiction and an obsession?
Q: Can an addiction turn into an obsession and can an obsession turn into an addiction?This is my take on the definitions: An obsession can be an unwanted thought that sticks in your brain and you have to perform certain rituals to alleviate the stress and anxiety produced from it for example, your unwanted thought is that your hands are germ infected and therefore you never stop washing your hands. Whereas an addiction is something you actually get a pleasure out of doing and don’t realize the negative affects of it.
A: Addction : The condition of being habitually .Obsession: A mental disorder.From the second to the first easy .
What is the difference between obsession and addiction in psychology?
Q: I am well aware of the dictionary definitions of these two words. My question is, what is the difference, in psychology, between a psychological addiction and an obsession? It seems to me that the two are extremely similar. I do not refer to physical addiction, but to psychological addiction.Also, how does one determine whether a person suffers from an obsession or a psychological addiction? Is it simply the preference of the one making the diagnosis, or is there a set of criteria that explicitly defines each?Thank you.
A: Addiction is a physical response in the brain, when the brain takes a substance, usually chemical, and uses it to become functional. It is also learning and a reward response.So if you’re addicted to running, you’re really addicted to the endorphins released after exercise and your brain has adapted to that amount release, thus wanting more because it has to keep up with that amount. In order to attain more endorphins you have triggered the learning part of your brain when you go running. To make you continue the endorphin process in the future, your reward system is triggered when you run, so the next day you crave going for a run.Obsession is also a learning process, but it more psychologically extreme. The other people’s answers have probably already answered your question.
Is there a difference between an Obsession and an Addiction?
A: Yes, there is a huge difference between addiction and obsession.Addiction is something you have a physical and/or mental need for, obsession is something you have a physical and/or mental desire for.
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