What is the catatonics of schizophrenia

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People with catatonic schizophrenia display extreme inactivity or activity that’s disconnected from their environment or MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-catatonics-of-schizophrenia ]
More Answers to “What is the catatonics of schizophrenia
What Is Catatonic Schizophrenia?
Catatonic schizophrenia is a mental illness that causes patients to have an altered and skewed perception of reality, also known as psychosis. It is a type of schizophrenia that involves a…
What is catatonia?
Catatonia. Catatonia is a condition marked by changes in muscle tone or activity associated with a large number of serious mental and physical illnesses. Catatonia can also be present in individuals suffering from a number of other physical…
How to Treat Catatonic Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that manifests in altered thinking, impaired perceptions of reality, hallucinations, and bizarre behaviour. One type of the disorder is catatonic…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Could someone with catatonic schizophrenia have clear-headed moments or days?
Q: Could someone with catatonic schizophrenia have moments/days/episodes where they’re clear headed and visibly symptom-free?
A: From what I have heard, the answer is no. You may want to call a doctor and ask that though.
What do patients with catatonic schizophrenia usually report feeling?
Q: After catatonia occurences, what does a CS patient report feeling/thinking during the episode?
A: I can’t speak for everyone, or even say my experience is typical, but this is what I can recollect:Nothing. Apathy. I’m not really aware of what’s going on around me, and the very little that gets through generally doesn’t make sense, and on the rare occasion it does, I don’t care. I don’t feel like me. I feel very detached, like I’m watching some weird parody of life on an alien planet. It’s not that I don’t recognize my loved ones, but that spark of emotion that we take forgranted is absent. I also feel very childish, like I want to regress to being very young and unresponsible (not a word, but irresponsible isn’t what I mean). I get this fuzzy feeling from the outside world, nothing comes in clear, it’s like being heavily drugged without the drugged feeling. I have a high tolerence to pain under normal circumstances, but I’ve heard that I’ve completely ignored painful stimuli like sharp pins and high heat. I’m sorry if this doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it’s like trying to describe the color red to someone who was born blind. It’s a very inchoate experience that doesn’t translate well to sanity. And it’s very hard to recapture the essense of catatonia when I’m not suffering from it’s effects. The more “sane” I become, the less that any of my past symptoms make sense.
Have you ever met someone with Catatonic Schizophrenia?
Q: I’m a Psych student, hoping to do Clinical Psych. But we’ve been studying Schizophrenia and Catatonic Schizophrenia really interested me.I’m just wonder if anyone’s ever met anyone with it. Schizophrenia is becoming less common in the Western World, so it might be unlikely..
A: i know a lad who is in his late 20’s he has schizphrenia, he is generally ok if he remembers to take his medication, but there are things about him which are present even when he is taking his medication, eg you can be talking about anything, lets say the weather and suddenly his voise will change and he will act weired of say things which has no relation to the subject in which we are talking about, then as fast as it came on it will go and he will be back to normall, if he dose not take his medication then he is un controlable, the police have picked him up several times from the moterway wondering up between fast moving traffic, this normally results into him being admitted to hospital so they can keep up with his medication. he is a good friend of mine, but he can be unnerving sometimes as his voise changed pitch and so on.
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