What is it called when your afraid of everything

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is it called when your afraid of everything”,you can compare them.

Being afraid of everything is generally due to an anxiety disorder. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-called-when-your-afraid-of-everything ]
More Answers to “What is it called when your afraid of everything
Why am i afraid of almost everything and what is it called??
You are phobic and extremely susceptible to whatever you see, hear, smell, taste, touch and think about. There is help for this through medication and therapy.

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Why am i afraid of almost everything and what is it called?
Q: Im afraid of almost everything. every animal (except dogs and cows)the darkscary movieslifedeathpeopleinsectssicknessthe oceanthunder and lightningand to be exactly specific. i cant sleep every night because i think something is in my room and is going to hurt me.i cant even look in mirrors because of the movie. and i only saw the commercial. i have a pet cat and i cant even go near her because i feel that shes going to kill me. I cant sleep without a nightlight, and my door HAS to be open or i will freak out. i dont go above my knees in the ocean because of sharks. im afraid of dying. im afraid of living and then dying. i feel that insects are going to inject me with poison and kill me. and then i can only trust my family and like 6 other people. all others are against me. im afraid to get sick and die. every little noise i hear at night scares me, like creaking windows and the settling foundation on my house. and overall i look at the worst possible solution and cant get that out of my head. there are more but i just cant list them all
A: You are phobic and extremely susceptible to whatever you see, hear, smell, taste, touch and think about. There is help for this through medication and therapy.
How could someone be Leader of THE #1 WORLD SUPER POWER and be afraid of everything and everybody?
Q: You can’t keep running away…Afraid of a “critical” mediaAfraid of a pastorAfraid of a churchAfraid of being tough with America’s enemiesAfraid of a trip to Iraq What do you call a man who keeps running away?
A: A true coward is not fit to run this country.
Why is it liberals are so afraid of everything?
Q: Liberal fears:Children being allowed to live.Deadbeats getting upset because the pity check is late.Terrorists being sent to prison.Obama being called half white.Illegals learning to speak English and then realize liberals don’t care about them.Pedophiles getting less than an adequate attorney.
A: Liberals attack our country with every breath, oblivious to the fact that their ability to speak out, to acquire their toys, to travel and protest and whine, are provided by the very system they despise. They know only hate for those who disagree with their Utopian vision of unchecked liberalism. They immediately label as racists any who counter their nonsensical ramblings with the logic of protecting our sovereignty and future. They want but one thing…for their fellow travelers to control Congress and the White House.That the recycling truck might be an hour late propels liberals into a state of near hysteria. That someone might actually own a gun sends them running to the therapist for Prozac, grief-counseling and Deepak Chopra seminars. They seek order, safety and security at any cost, rather than individuality, liberty and freedom.They yearn for a choreographed fantasy world which disputes human nature. They swoon at the idea of standing on the side of the hill while reciting poetry with talking raccoons and drinking decaffeinated Coke. o_O
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