What is it called when you can sense feelings

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Empathy (n) means an understanding and entering into another’s feelings. Is this the word you are thinking of? Text ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-called-when-you-can-sense-feelings ]
More Answers to “What is it called when you can sense feelings
What is it called when you can sense other people’s feelings??
Empathy is the ability to put yourself into someone elses shoes. To see, sense and experience the world as they do. This can evolve from being highly attentive to cues from an individual’s voice, body language, and general behavior. Being “…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is it called when you can sense other’s feelings and it is physically painful to you?
Q: Hello to anyone who reads this. Thanks for taking the time to anwser my question. For a few years now I started picking up this odd trait where if someone I know on a personal level is emotionally upset, whether I know it or not, I get physically sick to my stomach for a day and a half. Though this is a useful way to tell when someone I care about is in need, what is it called? I don’t know if this is the same thing as being an Empath or some sort of ESP. Can anyone tell me?
A: It sounds like you have extreme empathy for other people but overall your feelings sound compassion-related. Empathetic compassion is a very powerful emotion and it’s prompted by the pain of others. Your ability to sense others feelings is empathy, but the physical pain you feel is definitely compassion. Although the pain may get frustrating, you have a gifted trait as most religions regard compassion to be the highest value.
What is it called when you can sense other people’s feelings?
Q: I have this….I don’t know what to call it…. gift….. well I can sense other people’s feelings and other people like me can control them! What is that called?Thank You everyone for answering my question and I will use it carefully and wisely, I already do, thank you so so much
A: Empathy is the ability to put yourself into someone elses shoes. To see, sense and experience the world as they do. This can evolve from being highly attentive to cues from an individual’s voice, body language, and general behavior.Being “intuitive” allows you to sense such things on a spiritual level. You do not need to see or hear the other person. Your “gut feeling” kicks in and you know without any sensory stimulus that something is wrong. It’s what some call our “sixth sense”. It’s a natural coping mechanism and survival instinct.Being able to change people’s feelings is easy. Listen, understand, and guide them to other subjects or topics than the one that is bothering them or simply giving input that gets them to see things in a different way. The key is – no one can be controlled that doesn’t want to be – the first lesson in hypnosis. People have to be open to suggestion in order to have an effect on them.What you have is a gift of being sensitive to others. Use it wisely and in a caring, nurturing way.
What is it called when you close your eyes and write random things? Its supposed to reveal deep feelings?
Q: Does anyone else know what I am talking about? They briefly mentioned it in The Sixth Sense but I have known about it for a while. How does it work? How do you do it?Its not scribbling. Its supposed to channel things or something like that.I didn’t hear about it from the sixth sense.I used to know about it but then I watched that movie for the first time last night and I remembered it
A: You are describing a technique called free association writing in which you write–generally with your eyes OPEN :P–about your thoughts as randomly and spontaneously as they enter your consciousness. Eventually, you will begin to write about the deeply personal things that are influencing you in your life, and subconscious feelings or motivations may or may not surface to awareness. Free association writing is related to Freud’s work with the unconscious drives. In traditional free association, Freud would have his client talk at length about trivial things until eventually he or she got to the core of his/her memories/drives.Anyways, today a lot of free association is used therapeutically. People are encouraged to write in journals as a way of coping with or synthesizing their troubling experiences. There’s one researcher, John Pennebaker, who has published on the benefits of free association journal writing.How do you do it? Well sit down in a quiet place where you can be comfortable, no distractions. You can do it using any method–pen and paper, electronic, etc. And just start writing about your thoughts, your current feelings, anything that comes to you. Eventually you’ll find yourself writing deeply about personal things, personal feelings. And perhaps you’ll arrive at new realizations about yourself or others. You may find that you get relief from the simple act of writing about whatever it is that’s on your mind, that is burdening you. Once you’ve written it down, perhaps it will seem more controllable, less threatening. Hopefully you’ll get some kind of benefit from it 🙂
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