What is claustrophobic

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Clinically speaking, claustrophobic refers to an abnormal tendency to feel terror in closed spaces. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-claustrophobic ]
More Answers to “What is claustrophobic
What is Claustrophobia?
The description of Claustrophobia that is generally offered is an intense fear of being trapped or confined in small spaces. The fear is often focused on not being able to escape or not having enough oxygen. A person dealing with Claustroph…
What Does Claustrophobic mean?
It means that you have a fear of tight, enclosed spaces. People with claustrophobia typically don’t like extremely crowded rooms, areas where they feel trapped or “stuck”.
How To Overcome Claustrophobia
Two of the most well known diagnosable fears are claustrophobia and arachnophobia. But while arachnophobia had a movie named for it, claustrophobia owes its fame solely to the simple fact that a great many people suffer from it. The phobia …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: I’m extremely claustrophobic, but I recently realized that I can’t sleep on my stomach because I’ll start having panic attacks with my head in the pillow. (I’ve never slept on my stomach, but it took me a while to realize WHY). Is this from claustrophobia, or something completely different? Can I do anything to help my breathing when trying to sleep on my stomach?
A: Don’t use a pillow.That is what i do when I’m offered a pillow that i think is too soft and will cover my face. It’s also much better for your back when you sleep on your stomach to use a flat pillow or no pillow, as the pillow will make your back bend at an angle that is not healthy.I have to sleep on my stomach. I can’t fall asleep on my back unless i’m exhausted or sick and whenever i roll on my back, it’s only because my bladder is full and i wake up right away. I can’t use soft pillow because I hate having anything covering my face and inhibiting my breathing. I don’t suffer from claustrophobia. It’s only when sleeping on my stomach do i feel this way.
Has anyone got a claustrophobic attack on an Airplane?
Q: I love to travel but hate flying on those cramped flights. I feel claustrophobic (afraid of being closed in such a small space). I tend to panic when the flight is delayed and we are trapped on the tarmac. I tend to get a panic attack on the plane and can not function. It is a loss of control, they could legally keep us on the plane for days. Can anyone relate?
A: I work for an airline and we’ve actually had to remove people from planes because they freak out…. But I promise that you will not be on the tarmac for days… Most airlines have a two hour policy and will cancel the flight if you are on there longer than the two hours. About a year or so ago.. they had to land a plane because someone on board flipped out( and they claim it was claustrophobia..).
What happens to people who are claustrophobic if they are forced to remain in tight spaces?
Q: For example, what happens to a prisoner if he is claustrophobic? Can he go crazy?Sometimes divers get the bends and have to be placed in a small pressurized drum for hours.
A: Most likely they will feel anxious at first and might have a panic attack. After awhile they might calm down after they get used to it or they might still be really anxious. I’m sure it’s different for different people.
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