What is a way to make yourself faint

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a way to make yourself faint”,you can compare them.

It is possible to hold your breath until you pass out. You could be seriously injured in the fall. Would you tips to fake a faint? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-way-to-make-yourself-faint ]
More Answers to “What is a way to make yourself faint
Is there any way you can make yourself faint?
hyperventilate. Keep breathing in and out rapidly without stopping. It tricks your brain. The lack of Carbon Dioxide in your body will trigger it to faint in order to force you to start breathing normally again.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a way to make yourself faint other than hyperventilating and getting someone to push on ur chest?
Q: Ive heard that dehydration can make u faint…is there a way to make urself dehydrated or other ways of making yourself faint?I’m doing a study on it. I don’t want to actually faint.
A: Squat down, hyperventilate until you are dizzy, then stand up suddenly. You will black out and fall. I did that once and hit my head. They say I had a seizure. My head sure hurt. I never did it again.
Is there any way to make yourself faint?
Q: how can you knock yourself out without hurting anything? is there any safe way to do it?
A: you will die someday anyway, why make it harder than it has to be. don’t do anyting you will be sorry for later. no matter how old you are, use your brain the smart way and don’t think about such stuff. go study more so you can get smart and make lots of money.
a really really good quick effective way to make yourself faint?
A: Hahahha yes.You sit on the side of your bed, your feet on your side board so you are like sitting and resting your feet on something, put your head between your legs with your arms behind your head, take in REALLY REALLY heavy breathes, ones that almost make you like gasp or whatever. Do that about 60 times. SH**S FUNNY.
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