What is a really weird phobia name

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Archibutyrophobia is a weird one. It is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-really-weird-phobia-name ]
More Answers to “What is a really weird phobia name
Does anyone have a really weird phobia?
I don’t like walking up stairs. I think somebody is going to stab me in the back so I always have to put my back to the wall and then I run up the stairs really fast. And I get super freaked out if it’s dark and I have to walk up the stairs…
Does anyone else have a phobia that really weird?
I’m afraid of flaming squirrels. Somebody in my childhood set a squirrel on fire and it ran at me before dying. Needless to say, I don’t encounter a flaming squirrel often. Just thinking about one coming at me gives me chills, though. But I…

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Okay, i have this really weird phobia…theres no name for it that i know of…?
Q: Okay, my phobia is running. Let me explain:Im scared of running around gyms or tracks. I’m even more scared when it comes to competition running. Like racing against people. Im more scared of just running around people im not used too.I’m not scared of running when its just me alone. Not competion running…or if i am running and i am just with friends…i am fine. Or just in a regular soccer game.I have gym coming up soon and i am most likely going to have to run a mile…what im afraid of the most. when i mean im afraid i mean im really afraid. I start freaking out, i get dizzy, i hyperventilate, its scary for me. are there any ways to overcome this? or do you think i should just talk to the teacher to see if i can run the mile sometime out of school? I just dont want to run with people im not used too…it freaks me out…badly. if im with a friend or just alone then ill be fine. Any ways? Is there anyone else like me that has this somewhat kind of fear?
A: I am sure that there are lots of people around just like you, I also have problems before each race or run, but it is not as bad as it sounds in your case.To overcome a fear you have to confront it. Just say to yourself that you are running not to win but to enjoy yourself. It is a great achievement in itself that you can run a mile so don’t be intimidated by the abilities of the other people. There will always be someone who runs faster, that’s 100%!
Name a weird phobia you have.?
Q: im afriad of frogs
A: Moths… something about the erratic way they move scares the s*** out of me.
Is there a phobia name for a fear of dying naked?
Q: I’m scared that when I die, I will be found naked. I’m not absolutely mortified of it, just a little fearful. I’m curious to know if there is an actual phobia name for this fear, since they have names for all of the other weird fears out there.
A: That is the weirdest thing i have heard lately…you were born naked so why not go out the way you came in?
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