What happens when you get scared half to death, twice

Health related question in topics Psychology Puzzles .We found some answers as below for this question “What happens when you get scared half to death, twice”,you can compare them.

What happens if you get scared half to death, twice? Hmm. You’re only 1/4 alive at that point. Have any more questions for ChaCha? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-when-you-get-scared-half-to-death%2C-twice ]
More Answers to “What happens when you get scared half to death, twice
What happens when you get scared half-to-death twice?
You can try to relax your body after the fright. Let your heart settle down. Reassure yourself that you are OK. Best Wishes.
Is it possible to be scared to death?
Yes it is possible to be scared to death. Documentations are out there. In my home state of Montana a man was scared to death at a morgue when a person who was dead for 2 hours sat up and said what are you doing? I am not dead. The medic…
Will you die if you get scared half to death twice?
No because if you get scared half death, you have a half left, If you get half scared again that leaves you with a quarter, If it happens again it will be a eighth left and so on

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens when you get scared half to death twice?
Q: What happens when you get scaredhalf-to-death twice?
A: I think that it depends on the length of time between the scares. Also, each time you are scared half to death, that’s how much your scared. Half. Otherwise you would be scared t o death. If you are really worried about watch your intake of scary movies and stuff like that! Moth
What happens when you get scared half-to-death twice?
Q: Boo!
A: you will die in the next 30 minutes bbbbbbbbuuuuuttttt your dobbleganger will take your place on wont make the same mistakes that u do
What happens when you are scared half-to- death twice?
A: Well you would either add or multiply. I am not sure, but I would go with multiplication so (1/2)*(1/2)=1/4 so you would be a quarter scared to death!
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