What does love in a dream mean

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What does love in a dream mean”,you can compare them.

To dream being in love, suggests intense feelings carried over from a waking relationship. It implies happiness and contentment. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-love-in-a-dream-mean ]
More Answers to “What does love in a dream mean
What does this ‘love’ dream mean?
To dream that you are drunk indicates that you are behaving in a reckless manner that could lead to trouble. You have given up power in your life and are not in touch with reality.To dream that you are shopping signifies your requirements a…
What does it mean when someone you love ignores you in a dream??
Dreams always change and sometimes they don’t really happen! I’m 12 years old and and I had a dream that I got kidnapped when I was 5 years old and I have never been kidnapped.
What does it mean when someone tells you love them in a dream??
It means that you dream too much

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What does it mean when you dream of falling in love with a person of the same sex?
Q: I’m a straight female and lately I’ve been having these dreams of falling in love with the girls who I don’t really know but they have been in my school classes so i guess I know them. Anyways, I had a dream last night that I fell in love and was kissing and receiving gifts from a girl who in reality was in my bio class last year. What does this dream mean?
A: Hi hun,There is nothing wrong with this a subconscious thought, or maybe you had seen something in the day that didnt really connect and it appeared in your dream…..I believe we have two levels of dreaming one that is conected to everyday life and thought pattern, and the other a more spiritual dream pattern… It doest mean your wanting this to happen even though your probably thinking more about it now than you did, Ive had dreams like this before and i told my b/friend poor man didnt no what to think and went and got a dream book. The only thing it said was i may have been trying to bring someone back to life by giving them the kiss of life!!!!! ok but i can assure you i wasntI think its life and the things we pick up on, dont worry go with the flow…. T
what does this love dream mean?
Q: hello im a year 8 boy at highschool and theres 2 pretty year 7 girls that go to my highschool and i have a crush on them and last night i had a weird random dream and they were in my dream talking to me and flirting with me and stuff and i was sticking up for them against people what does this dream mean?
A: it means – you like them and would be willing to fight for their honor.-pam
What does a dream mean of having a guy you like say”I love you”mean?
Q: I like this guy at school but I’m not sure if he likes me and then one of my friends walks up to me and says that another one of my friends likes him and I wanted to know if a dream that I had a few days ago that he was in my room repeating”I love you”i want to know if it means anything? Thanks for your help.P.S I was thinking of asking him to the prom at the end of the year but now it makes me unsure about it.
A: basically it means you want him to choose you over his friend, but I’m sure you knew that.
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