What does it mean to have a dream about your girlfriend

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To see your girlfriend in your dream, represents your waking relationship with her and how you feel about her. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-to-have-a-dream-about-your-girlfriend ]
More Answers to “What does it mean to have a dream about your girlfriend
Dreams of my girlfriend.. what do they mean?
I believe the first dream is a personification of your nervousness about something you’ve been wanting/meaning to tell her. The second dream likely stems from a yearning (whether conscious or subconscious) to be intimate with your girlfrien…
What does it mean to have a dream about ex girlfriend??
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Q: My girlfriend just told me today that she had a dream last night about her having sex with a friend that she used to like a while back.
A: Dont worry about it if you had anything to worry about she wouldnt have told you… Just remeber that shes with YOU now<3
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Q: The other day my boyfriend had a dream that my mom and I got into a car accident only she survived and I didn’t. He woke up with tears, shaking, and sweating.
A: I think it means that he might be afraid of losing you. We often have these kinds of fears deep down in our subconscious, even though we may not actively realize it. Alternatively, it might mean that he is noticing that you are growing up – turning a bit into your mother in a sense. Like the young you is going away, and only the mature you remains. Not in a physical sense, but a mental sense. You might be able to find some more people who also had a dream like this at http://www.matchadream.com . There’s a dream dictionary there that may also help. In there it says “Seeing your girlfriend in your dream, represents your waking relationship with her and how you feel about her.”
What does a dream about playing piano with my crush’s girlfriend mean?
Q: A girl I know told me that she had a dream with me in it last night. In the dream, I was playing the piano “amazingly” with another girl named Kara. It just so happens that Kara is the long-term girlfriend of the boy who I have liked for the past five years, but my friend (the dreamer) doesn’t know that. I know this dream probably doesn’t mean anything, but let’s assume it does: how would you interpret it?
A: Perhaps if you were both playing the piano really well, you’re competing against each other to see who is the ‘best’, and therefore get the boy. Dreams are the oddest things though, but they really are very interesting. It is odd that your friend dreamt about both of you without knowing she is your crush’s girlfriend. Do you like Kara at all? Are you good friends, or do you not really like her?Hope you work it out though! 🙂
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