What does it mean to be criminally insane

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Mental defect that makes it impossible for a person to understand the wrongfulness of his acts orto distinguish right from wrong. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-to-be-criminally-insane ]
More Answers to “What does it mean to be criminally insane
What does it mean to be “criminally insane”??
“Criminally Insane” usually means someone doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong. Your friend sounds like he might have Antisocial Personality Disorder, or at least some traits of that disorder. I used to work at a st…

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What does it mean to be “criminally insane”?
Q: How do you know if someone is criminally insane? I have a friend who is currently in jail. He has a very high iq (154) and is a drug addict and con artist. He is a VERY good speaker; he can talk to anybody. He is actually getting whoever is in charge of his time to lower it (i am not very well educated on this subject btw). Anyway, he knows the system and can seemingly get what he wants anytime he wants. He is a master manipulator. He has been in jail many times but always gets less time than what he was originally sentenced. He has been to prison twice. He says he just can’t get over his “past”…is he criminally insane? Any info would be greatly appreciated.It is sad because this man has many talents…he wastes them all away.
A: “Criminally Insane” usually means someone doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong. Your friend sounds like he might have Antisocial Personality Disorder, or at least some traits of that disorder. I used to work at a state hospital and we had some NGRI (not guilty by reason of insanity) patients. Most of them seemed like “smooth talkers” to me. A lot of people in jail or prison can lower their sentence if they stay out of trouble, it’s not really that remarkable.How do you know what his IQ is? Did he tell you? How do you know he didn’t lie about it? If he’s so smart why does he keep getting caught?
What does Filing Settlement Agreement mean in a first degree murder death penalty case?
Q: The person who committed the murder about four years ago has been found to be incompetent to stand trial for the second time in that span of time. There is no question of guilt. The latest entry in the criminal court calendar for this person is Filing Settlement Agreement. In another file at an earlier date (~15 days) it says this person was released from the jail to go to a mental hospital for the criminally insane.
A: well it likely means exactly what it says — that a settlement agreement has been filed with the court. that doesn’t necessarily mean it was approved, nor does it indicate what the terms of the settlement are. if the case is not under seal, you should be able to request the document.
Am I stupid, criminally insane, retarded, or none?
Q: Okay, I know it’s a stupid question, but here’s some evidence that I may be retarded:Couldn’t Tie Shoelaces until 7 years oldHave difficulty fitting in with class matesHave TelephobiaHave been called crazyKnow 410 digits of PiHomosexualSlight fear of the darkLittle reasoningBut I excel in my grades! What does this mean?Are you saying I’m criminally insane!”Hey, did he just say you were insane?””Yes, he did say I was INSANE!””How could you say I was insane?””Well, dude! You can’t tell the difference between right and wrong can you, remember?””You mean on newsnight when I thought Osama was a good guy? Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!””Dude, you’re insane! You’re talking to yourself!””Okay, I’ll stop then!”
A: You are not stupid insane or handicapped I don’t like that word. My kids are 7 now and they are far from any of those things that you just called yourself . You are a human being and are just trying to have a life for yourself . We have all felt like we don’t belong at times . You have to be yourself and live your own life not worrying about everyone else . Life is too short , relax and enjoy your journey.
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