What does it mean if you dream about kissing your ex

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You may still have feelings for your ex deep down and are dreaming of what you really wish, and that may be to be with him/her. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-you-dream-about-kissing-your-ex ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if you dream about kissing your ex
What does it mean when you dream with your boyfriend but he is ki…?
Either he is cheating on you or you feel insecure about your relationship with him.
What does it mean when you have a dream about kissing both your e…?
Probably not a thing. A lot of dream analysts will tell you that the people in your dreams are nothing more than representational. In other words, it may not even be your ex and/or your current bfs you were dreaming about. Could be you’ve j…
What does it mean when you dream you are kissing your ex and he i…?
It just means that there are still some of the good feelings you once had for him hidden in your psyche. And when you were thoroughly alseep your subconscious allowed you to remember that. You are not in love with him still. It is not a psy…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what does it mean when you have a dream about kissing both your ex & current boyfriend?
Q: well let’s see…i had a dream a few nights ago that i was kissing my current boyfriend,then when i saw i wasn’t kissing him anymore i was kissing my ex boyfriend…so what does this mean
A: it means that you find him attractive, which is fine. you dated him right? so something was there to begin with. it doesn’t mean that you don’t love your bf now – maybe youre just comparing them in your mind and its playing out in your dreams (are they both good kissers, perhaps?)
What does dreaming about kissing your ex girlfriend mean?
Q: We were riding in a car, and I kissed her it felt real. I haven’t seen her in 10 years or more. She hadn’t crossed my mind recently either. I’m moving back to my home state after 4 years.
A: To dream that you are making out with your ex, signifies your acceptance of certain characteristics of your ex. The dream does not necessarily mean that you want to get back together with him or her. Consider what were the things you liked and disliked about him. These are the same qualities that you are finally acknowledging within your own self.
What does it mean when you dream you are kissing your ex and he is kissing you back -?
Q: My ex and I have not talk to each other form about 15 years, yet last night I dreamed of him that we were talking and not only that we were also kissing!!! that was a dream alright!
A: I have dreams like that too! I always think it is a sign that he is thinking about you.
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