What does dreaming of a snake or multiple snakes mean

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In regards to dreams, snakes generally symbolize sneaky, stealthy, or passive aggressive behavior, a potential challenge, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-dreaming-of-a-snake-or-multiple-snakes-mean ]
More Answers to “What does dreaming of a snake or multiple snakes mean
What does a dream of multiple snakes mean?
it means, dang thats good stuff and i want some what u on,lol whatd u eat?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does a dream of multiple snakes mean?
Q: 1st there was a spider web with huge spiders in it & I almost walked into it. Then I look down and there are 10-15 snakes crawling around. Then to my right there are 20-30 more & my boyfriend picks 1 up and throws it in the air & it lands right in front of me. They weren’t aggresive. Then in the larger pack of snakes there was a cobra and myboyfried is sticking his face to his & it is trying to srike him but never does. What does this mean??
A: it means, dang thats good stuff and i want some what u on,lol whatd u eat?
I dreamed of killing multiple snakes what does it mean?
Q: yesterday around 5pm I was awoken by a horrible dream. All i could remember is that I was in an hallway with my family (i could remember my mom vividly because she was scared the most. and she is really terrified of them actually) and snakes were trying to bite us but i was however killing and fending them of even though snakes creep me out .
A: I just think you have a strong hatred for snakes.
i had a dream that i was walking through my house and found a snake in a fish tank it was white and big?
Q: as i continue to walk through the house i find multiple snakes and im terrified paralyzed in fear.. i sit in the corner of the room and scream for my mom and she and my sister find the snakes pick them up and throw them out the house with no fear and i say thats why i dont sleep on the floor… anyway does anyone have a clue what this dream mean?? this is the 3rd time i had dreams of snakes that im terrified of?
A: Each dream symbol is unique to you because you are unique, with your own life experience. Typically, however, a house represents us, as an individual. If I was to make a suggestion about the snake aspect it would be very close to what has already been said. There is some aspect – perhaps a habit or viewpoint or way of thinking – that you no longer want but are fearful of removing from your life. It may be a difficult decision you have to make that might offend somebody or possibly injure you in some fashion. A part of you doesn’t believe and is convinced that you do not have the strength to do it yourself. Additionally, you see your mother and sister as having more courage than you and you may be relying heavily on them to shield you in some way. I do have a suggestion for overcoming the fear you feel, if this is recurring dream. I make this to you only because it is a technique I’ve worked with that has enabled me to take back my own power from some of the nightmares I encountered.Set aside a convenient time in the day when you can lay down for about a half hour. Get comfortable in bed and then bring up the image of first seeing the snake in the house. Instead of expressing fear, walk over to it, grab it by the neck and toss it outside. Remind yourself that nothing can harm you physically while you are there. The physics of the “dream world” are not the same as what we experience in this 3D reality. If it helps, picture yourself with an axe or even a pole with a loop around the end (like they use in wildlife shows for snakes and alligators). You don’t even have to touch any of the snakes with your hand, if you don’t want to. The point is to empower yourself. You are powerful and nothing can harm you in that state of being. By replaying the dream but ensuring that you display strength, you are sending a message to your subconscious mind. This technique was actually developed to assist people who came from abusive childhoods. They were walked slowly through a traumatic event up to a point. Instead of being the victim, however, they were given a choice as to how it progressed. The key is that our subconscious mind cannot determine a real memory and one that has been altered. Case in point – you’ve likely heard people say something like “And they begin to believe their own lies.” Of course they mean that they have told the lie so many times that they begin to truly believe it. When something is continually reinforced, our mind cannot tell the difference. By changing this – in your case a frightful nightmare involving snakes – you begin to change your view or belief on a subconscious level, which has a trickle down effect.Sorry if this was a ramble..lol. Hope this helped a bit.Blessings.
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