What does dreaming about having a child mean

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To see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-dreaming-about-having-a-child-mean ]
More Answers to “What does dreaming about having a child mean
What Does It Mean When You Dream About Having More Children??
I have tons of dreams of being pregnant, having a baby, kids.. I also have a strong want for kids and am scared i may not be able to. It could mean you want more, or it could be your scared of having more kids. If neither of them are so, th…
What is the meaning of dreaming about having children??
Science indicates that dreams are nothing more then extra energy that the mind uses in random forms of visualization. However, Metaphysically speaking, a dream about having children indicates – To see children in your dream, signify an as…
What does it mean when you dream about having a blind child.. ??
Whether it was you or anyone else, the dream is straight forward. It is a warning that there is deceit among those you trust most. But remember, you play all parts in your dream, so this person could very well be yourself!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does dreaming about babies and children mean?
Q: For the last two nights I have dreamt that I have a child, but its not mine and its always a boy. Two nights ago I dreamt about my new baby cousin and last nigh my older baby cousin, and also last night I dreamt about having a empedural. Does anyone have any idea what this means?By the way im not pregant, and I dont think I want to be a mum just yet as im 17
A: Maybe deep down inside you want a baby. I pay close attention to my dreams because sometimes they actually come true. Sometimes it might be a sign. I’m having a baby myself and i’m only 15
What do having dreams about a child mean?
Q: The other night i had a dream about having a kid. It was weird though because it was with a girl that i knew from my home town and i met her before but she was dating a person that i know. What was also werid about it is that she wanted to get rid of her bf and be with me because of this. I have no clue what this dream means and i sure hope it doesn’t mean that i have a kid with a girl and she didn’t tell me.
A: “To dream of giving birth or see someone else giving birth, suggests that you are giving birth to a new idea or project. It also represents new beginnings or some upcoming event. A more direct interpretation of this dream, may represent your desires/ anxieties of giving birth or the anticipation for such an event to occur.”http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/searchcsv.pl?method=exact&header=dreamsymbol&search=birth
I keep having dreams about having a child what does this mean?
Q: I am dating the man i plan on marrying and we both want children but i am only 23and neither of us are ready finacially.
A: I don’t think the child in your dream is literally a child that you are going to have. The child in your dream could represent you and the transition you are about to go through. The changes in your life with this man you are about to marry.
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