What do cliffs mean in dreams

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To dream that you are standing at the edge of a cliff, indicates that you have reached an increased level of understanding, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-cliffs-mean-in-dreams ]
More Answers to “What do cliffs mean in dreams
What does my cliff dream mean?
It was a place where you used to work? Changing jobs, even for the better, is stressful. In this case, you subconsciously represented it with your world hanging upside down. You feel like if you lose grip of the situation, you’ll die. Bles…
What Does It Mean When You Dream About Falling Off A Cliff??
You have a nightmare and you wet your bed

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Dreams of flying off cliffs, what does it mean?
Q: I often have dreams where I’m flying off a cliff or the grand canyon but always land safely, what can this possibly mean?
A: you’re thinking over taking a risk and your subconcious is telling you you’ll be okay. It could be a move, a new job, a new friend or a different direction with an old friend — it doesn’t have to be any big change; it just seems big because it is something important to you
What do my dreams mean and how can I stop them?
Q: Okay so every night I have dreams about fire, murder, or drowning. Sometimes I fall off of cliffs. I wake up every night at least twice, and I can’t get to sleep until late because I’m scared of what I’ll dream about. It’s affecting my everyday life, and I was wondering:1) What do my dreams mean?2) How can I prevent them from occurring?and3) Would it be good to talk to a therapist about it?Any help would be MUCH appreciated. Thanks!
A: The unconscious mind is incredibly powerful. It is charged with the responsibility of running our entire body, from cradle to grave, 24/7. Could you imagine having to remember to tell your heart to beat? (Oops…I forgot…argggggggggggg!) LOL!One of the greatest functions of our body is the creation of dreams as a means of stabilizing our psyche using dramatic scenes. Through the powerful wisdom of the unconscious mind, we are allowed to act out scenarios that might cause us pain or embarrassment in our waking life. It is important to remember that our dreams are solving a problem for us, and our understanding of this process can profoundly affect our waking life. There is a constant theme to your dreams, and that is violence; either towards yourself or others. Your unconscious mind has been backed into a corner by events in your waking life, and is trying desperately to provide relief in the short time allotted each night.Something has your system in the “fight or flight” mode. Only you know what this is. Grab ahold of a competent, licensed therapist with a proven track record, and sort this out. You may be the having the toughest time dealing with your circumstances, but there are always others affected in a family structure. When you begin to resolve the crisis in your waking life, the dreams will have served their purpose and disappear.Good luck to you!
Flying, falling, excellerating at fast speeds in dreams – what does it mean?
Q: I often fly, fall from tall buildings/rooftops/high cliffs, and excellerate at very fast speeds in my dreams. What do these visions mean? My dreams are always very interesting, full of detail and fantasy, and quite confusing, but I don’t think that relates to my question, does it?Also, not related to dreams, I’ve been seeing the sequence “123” almost everywhere and almost every day for the past year. What could that mean?
A: Flying in one’s dreams means ambition and drive. Perhaps its high time to fulfill your ambitions. Now I don’t know about the numbers, but maybe you’re given three chances until to fulfill your ambition.
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