What controls dreams

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What controls dreams”,you can compare them.

There is a part of the brain that controls Precognitive Dreams. ChaCha for more. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-controls-dreams ]
More Answers to “What controls dreams
What controls our dreams?
The Matrix
What part of your brain controls your dreams?
The psychologist Sigmund Freud writes that dreams come from the mind, not the brain. He says that dreams come from wishes that a part of the mind called the unconscious is wishing for. If these wishes came true, they would result in some ki…
Should We Control Our Dreams ?
In systems theory control is shared by interacting processes that each contribute to balance and equilibrium in the system as a whole enable the system to fulfill its purpose. It restrains as well as guides and maintains the system integrit…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What would happen if the part of your brain that controls dreams was to get damaged?
Q: What would happen to the person?I’m doing a project and I’d like to know what could possibly or would happen if this were to occur.Would the person die?Would the person not be able to dream?How would you fix it?Could it be fixed?I’d really appericiate the help if someone could help me understand what would happen!Thanks
A: There’s no one part of your brain that controls dreams. A dreaming brain has about as much activity in all parts as an awake brain.However, there have been studies done in which researchers wake people up whenever they start to dream and eventually people will skip the other stages of sleep and go right into REM sleep.
In Mythology Who Controls Dreams? (Not the Sandman please)?
Q: I’m trying to come up with the name of a race of mythological people who are like dream weavers. Not the Sandman or the sandmen. I’m using them as an antagonist. But whenever I put in “dream genie” or “controls dreams” or “dream guide” there’s far to many fillers and I can’t weed through to find exactly what I’m looking for. Anyone know of anything I can research?
A: “Morpheus was the god of dreams in Greek mythology.””In Greek mythology Morpheus was one of the four sons of Hypnos, the god of sleep. The four sons of Hypnos and Pasithea (herself associated with relaxation and hallucination) were Icelus, Morpheus, Phobetor and Phantasos. These four were known collectively as the Oneiroi.”I searched on “mythology god dreams” (no quotes) and found the above, and many references to Morpheus. You can alter your search criteria and probably find others figures associated with dreams as well.
What is a good way to control dreams?
Q: I haven’t had a nightmare in a very long time, but sometimes my dreams are just plain freaky! They are completely random and make no sense at all! It isn’t like my hair is spiked and pink, but really stupid things happen that really have noting to do with my life. What can I do control my dreams? I have tried saying over and over again what I want to be in my dreams, but it has never ever happened.*Nothing, not noting
A: Dreams are a sub conscience thinking – I don’t think it’s supposed to be controlled. If something is one your mind a lot though, you’ll get dreams relating to that topic.When you have a dream and you remember it, write it down on a piece of paper next to you. Maybe interpreting the dream will be the first step to getting over it.
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