What are the three theoretical paradigms of sociology

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A theoretical paradigm provides a basic image of society that guides thinking and research. There is the Structural-Functional Paradigm, the Social-Conflict Paradigm, and the Symbolic-Interaction Paradigm. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-three-theoretical-paradigms-of-sociology ]
More Answers to “What are the three theoretical paradigms of sociology
What are the major theoretical paradigms in in sociology??
There are three major theoretical paradigms: Structural Functional, Social Conflict, and Symbolic Interactionist. I provided a link to a chart explaining each paradigm. I’m a junior sociology major, so I am en expert on all three!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the three theoretical paradigms of sociology and what do they mean?
A: Structural-Functional: Framework for building theory that sees society as a whole. (A.K.A. Ignores inequalities)Social-Conflict: Framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change. (A.K.A. Denies unity exists)Symbolic-Interaction: Sees society as the product of the everyday interaction of individuals. (AKA Denies big structures exists)
Three major theoretical paradigms in Sociology?
Q: Can you please break these down for me and give me examples? I’m so confused…Structural-Functional Paradigm, Social-Conflict Paradigm, and Symbolic-Interaction ParadigmThanks but I was looking for someone that could actually help. I’m not a Sociology major, just have to take the class
A: Functionalism is pretty much like the Republican view of the world and you can remember it by thinking of the letter F: everything is Fine, everything has a Function, and Change (which does not begin with F) is the bad guy. They like things the way they are and can explain everything’s existence as serving some useful purpose, no matter how strange or oppressive it might seem.Conflict theory is the exact opposite, and has its roots in Marxism, so their motto is “____ of the world, unite, and throw off your chains!” The key is figuring out who is oppressing and exploiting whom. Once you figure out who is the Have, and who is the Have-Not, then you put the Have-Not in the blank in the previous sentence. That’s the guy who has to get it together and throw those chains off, you see, so as to turn everything upside-down. So, for these folks, Change is a must. Things are NEVER okay. Somebody’s ALWAYS being oppressed and getting the short end of the stick and that’s why the status quo simply must go! So, you can think of these guys as the Democrats, or, if you want to have more fun, as the Super-Lefties, the Leninists.Those were the Macros, the two theories that looked at the world from the Big View. The 3rd school of thought says that we just don’t know enough about the world to do that. We should start from the bottom and work up. So it’s a Micro view. It begins with interactions between two or three people at a time, so it’s a lot easier for beginners to figure out. That’s the Interactionist point of view. It doesn’t argue with either of the other theoretical points of view, because it doesn’t take the Big Picture view.So, there you have it.
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