What are the three major theories of learning

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the three major theories of learning”,you can compare them.

The 3 major theories of learning are Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning and Vicarious Observation. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-three-major-theories-of-learning ]
More Answers to “What are the three major theories of learning
What are the major theories of learning and show an awareness of …?
learning styles are how people learn,every one is the not the same so our learning styles are different.
What are the major learning theories that guide education and wha…?
Behaviorist – Learning is a change in observable behavior occurring through stimuli and responses which become related according to mechanistic principles.・ Drill and practice Simulations ・ Advance organizers (David Ausubel) Inductive thi…
What sort of stuff will I learn in a class called “music the…?
Probably the same thing that normal music theory classes teach (note reading, rhythm, texture, structure, etc.) but at a less advanced pace and/or in less depth.

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Q: I am just starting to learn basic guitar chord theory. I have a grasp on finding triad chords that belong to a certain key by using the major scale. I understand the triad formula for the major triad, minor triad, and the diminished triad. From my understanding, the formula for these triads is 1 3 5, (major) 1 b3 5 (minor), 1 b3 b5 (diminished) So here is my question: Say we use the key of G major as an example. The seven notes we would have to work with would be G A B C D E F#. To find the seven basic triads in this key we would start with the first scale degree, then third, then fifth. So our first chord would have the notes A B D. To find another triad in this key we would use another note in the G major scale. Say we use A for example. We would then have to take the A major scale. When we have the A major scale we would use the same 1 3 5, 1 b3 5, or 1 b3 b5 scale degree formula. This will mean that this triad is in the key of G major. In the case of the A major scale, we would have to flatten C# making the chord A C E a minor chord. So by using this formula the seven basic triads in the key of G I have ended up with are as follows: G: G B D Am: A C EBm: B D F# C: C E G D: D F# A Em: E G B F# dim: F# A C A question I have is how am i suppose to know where to play these notes on the neck to get the chord? I understand i could look at a chord book, but I want to know to know how I would play these notes in a chord if I didn’t have access to a chord book. For instance, for my G major chord I got the notes G B D. I could play G B D on the 10th fret of the fifth string, 9th fret of the fourth string, and 7th fret of the third string. Would these three notes at this position be considered a G Major chord as well? I’m sure there are other ways to play these notes in a chord too. Also, when you look at the G major chord open position you play three open strings. Only getting the notes G B D in the chord formula that I used, how would you know to play the open strings as well? I heard that there is three other combinations of the 1 3 5 besides the 1 3 5 (major) 1 b3 5 (minor) and 1 b3 b5 (diminished ) Could someone please tell me what they are? And I’m not talking about the 7th, I think I know the basics of that already.
A: Looks like you have started a pretty good foundation for music theory and the guitar. Well done!Where to play these notes on the neck to get the chord? That is up to you my friend. There are roughly 3 octaves of notes on the guitar. So you can repeat the same exact note more than once on the guitar, that is a big difference between the guitar and the piano. The ability to play the chord in many different starting positions, octave positions, and combinations is why music can be so creative. That’s the fun in making music, is you can play that chord anywhere you want, however way you want to play it. Would these three notes at this position be considered a G Major Chord as well?Yes it is. Just because it’s a different position or combination doesn’t mean it’s not a G Major Chord. You are just going a octave higher.How would you know to play the open strings as well? Well as you saw with the open position G Major, you can repeat the notes in the triad as many times as you want. You could play 4 G’s, 1 B, and 1 D and that would still be a G Major. You could play 2 G’s, 2 B’s, and 2 D’s and that is still a G Major. Any combination of the 3 notes in the triad is a G Major. The only other triad that I know of is the Augmented triad. 1 3 and #5I’m sure there are other triads in Music. I just never bothered to remember them. Remember that you can change Keys in a song, and this leaves chord possibilities endless. Good luck with the Theory.
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A: It sounds to me like you are copying and pasting your homework into Yahoo Answers. There is a reason why school gives you these questions and it isn’t so you can steal the answers online. Read your textbook and learn while you can. Its sad to think that you have left things to the last minute, or decided that you are too lazy to learn when many people in the world would kill to learn and don’t have the chance.
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