What are peoples biggest fear

Health related question in topics Definitions Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What are peoples biggest fear”,you can compare them.

The biggest obstacle that people face in getting what they want in life is their failure to define what it is they really want. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-peoples-biggest-fear ]
More Answers to “What are peoples biggest fear
What do you think is the biggest fear people have today ?
Loss of control of their surroundings, including job, family, friends and loss of face. Damn, you only asked for one…
What is your biggest fear that people think you are crazy for??
I’m completely scared of aliens. I can’t be alone at night without them. Even seeing them in movies makes me have panic attacks.
Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes — We Fear Being Too Ali…?
The book argues in its introduction (Page 26) that people are both too much like mules and too much like sheep. We are overconfident in our own abilities, which makes us close-minded. And yet we also rely too much on the opinions and action…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is your BIGGEST fear about gay people getting married?
Q: I don’t understand what fear people have about gay people getting married. Can someone tell me? I found this cool video on another site… http://www.sodahead.com/question/185417/what-is-your-biggest-fear-about-gay-people-getting-married/?link=wenfMaybe that will help. I dunno. I don’t see the big deal with others wanting the same benefits as man-woman couples. Maybe gay people will help the divorce rate.?
A: Gay people have no souls. How can they love?*sarcasm*
what is your “biggest” fear?
Q: im curious to know what peoples biggest fear is.stuff like drowning, water, loneliness, desperation, heat, fire. death, blackness/darkness, spiders, ants, bears, fish, mermaids, going blind, losing a leg, not being able to smell. any little random thing. please&thank you =]i think my biggest fear is drowning. ive had a few ‘drowning’ experiences and they weren’t fun. but i guess that would say im scared of dying, which im really not, just the feeling of drowning.
A: Between drowning and bugs. Drowning just terrifies me, suffocating in general scares me. Like you, I’m not scared of dying, just the need to breath without being able to scares me. Bugs are just the worst, though. People don’t understand, they think I over-react when I see a bug. I will literally crawl onto tables when I see a bug, even when I’m in public. They scare the crap out of me. I always imagine them crawling on me and crawling up my arms and to my face and… Oh, god, I just hate it.
What do you think is the biggest fear people have today ?
A: Loss of control of their surroundings, including job, family, friends and loss of face. Damn, you only asked for one…
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