What are panic disorders

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Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by unexpected & repeated episodes of intense fear that has physical symptoms. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-panic-disorders ]
More Answers to “What are panic disorders
What are panic disorders?
Panic disorders are characterized by unpredictable attacks of anxiety that are not specific to a particular situation and are accompanied by physiological symptoms. Although the exact cause of panic disorder is unknown, stress is known to t…
What is a Panic Disorder?
Learn about panic disorders with expert advice on dealing with signs of anxiety disorders in this free mental health video. Read More
How Common Is Panic Disorder?
About 1.7% of the adult U.S. population ages 18 to 54 – approximately 2.4 million Americans – has panic disorder in a given year. Women are twice as likely as men to develop panic disorder. Panic disorder typically strikes in young adulthoo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What can be done for my anxiety and panic disorders?
Q: I have anxiety disorder. I am constantly clenching my jaw and also my hands are always in fists and never relaxed.I also panic if I am getting ready to go somewhere I will start sweating and I get sick to my stomach. Like a panic attack.My mother says to see a doctor about it.I don’t really understand what the doctor could do for me?Has anyone had similar problems and gone to the doctor? What was the end result?
A: Yes, I have had anxiety/panic attacks for many years and you are describing it to a T the clenched fists and jaws, tummy hurts, but in addition to that, I sweat and feel confused.   It’s very unpleasant when you go someplace and one of these panic attacks occurs.  Right now, I am on prescribed withdrawal from an addictive drug to treat panic/anxiety. I tried to cold turkey it.  Wrong thing to do!  I felt like a puppet on a string, my arms, legs, and head were involuntarily jerking and I had no control.  My hands were like “grasshoppers” in a frying pan.  Instead of cold turkey, I should have seen my Dr. about how to quit the addiction.  The side effects were really getting to me, the blurry, tremor getting worse in the afternoon.  I do understand and sympathize very much about what you are going through. You do need to see a Dr. about your condition. If you do have to take meds, ask about the non addictive kind. The addictive Alprazolam, got me in a whole lot of trouble, physically and mentally.Very best wishes for feeling better soon.
How do you cope with Chronic Depression, anxiety disorders, or panic attacks?
Q: I am looking to converse with others on how they have successfully dealt with or are attempting to successfully deal with Chronic Depression, Anxiety, and Panic Disorders,
A: I feel your pain. I had suffered for many years with anxiety and panic attacks. It was horrible. Socializing was out of the question for me, I would drop where ever I was and woke up seeing strangers around me, thats how severe my panic attacks were..I went through all the phases. You name it , I had it..But thanks to god that with self discipline and prayer Im free from those illnesses. Confront your fears, there are fears that are causing you to react this way without you knowing it..start gradually, but do it, I promise you will make it through… take valerian root , it helps the process go smoother, your self-esteem is low and it causes this nurve outbursts, so say to yourself, who am I, what do I want, and what am i going to do about it…once you discipline yourself in this areas you will feel more mind empowered and will be able to walk in a straight line..if you feel an anxiety attack coming on, breath in a paper bag and don’t think on what braught you to that point. Say this and believe it, ” Im ok nothing is wrong, its just my nerves trying to control my life” repeat it and apply it. Until it becomes real to you… you will set yourself free if you make effort on your own behalf. Medications are ok, but I went through them, and there only temporary aids… your efforts are permanent. Once you discipline yourself your on your way to freedom…if your spiritual, pray ….whats impossible for mankind is possible for GOD through jesus christ….. Good luck…
Why is it that people with panic disorders and anxiety think that they are going to go insane?
Q: I am a teenager and I have had a Panic disorder and anxiety for almost a year now. So far I have been handling it pretty well, but sometimes I just can’t control my thoughts, I begin to question myself and my sanity. Sometimes I get scared that I will go insane and have to be locked up in an asylum Is there any way to stop this unreasonable thinking process of mine. I don’t want to be insane!
A: Firs of all let me say that I completely understand where you are coming from. And second of all let me tell you that you are not going to go insane.Panic disorder releases a chemical adrenaline in your body its your flight or fight response that goes off in your brain. Some people fear that they are going to die, they get a rapid heart rate and sweat, hyperventalate and some even pass out. But ultimately we all wake up and end up just fine.Then there are some that have the response like you indicated where you fear that you are loosing your mind. Panic disorder also comes from lack of Seratonin not sure spelled it right but anyways it creates a misfire in your brain chemistry and therefore you have unreasonable thoughts, the only difference is people that are going insane do not FEAR it they don’t even realize they are insane. Panic disorder simply gives you an irrational fear of something due to people placing the stigma on Panic or Anxiety problems as a mental disorder, when in reality its simply your inability to release your tension and let go of what is bothering you and put aside your fears and worry.My favorite quote is: I have never seen worry or fear change the final outcome of anything…. Worry doesn’t change anything. So why let it take control of you if it is useless. take time to realize how smart you are how much love you have to give others. Take a walk outside.. Sunshine is an awesome cure for Anxiety and Depression the sun has the most wondeful abundant amount of vitamins and nuturition you can’t get from anyplace else. Watch your diet and try to eat less preservatives. And just enjoy being you. Your not going insane.. Your not going crazy… You’re just simply more aware and your senses of things are more extreme then most. It will pass once you realize you have the CONTROL!!! Good luck… I wish you well…..
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