Should he slit his wrists

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Absolutely not! No one should! Call a friend or get help at a help line. 1-800-273-TALK ChaCha cares! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Should he slit his wrists
What should i do about my friend, he is slitting his wrists??
you should tell some one and get him help because really if somthing happens 2 him ur going 2 blame ur self and ur going 2 fell guilty i dont think u want that on you’re sholders i bout this in class and this is what i was told 2 do so even…

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In my dream, I fell in love with a guy named Diesel, who compulsively slit his wrists? What’s the meaning?
Q: He was a sound engineer; slim build with strawberry blonde hair and pale skin. He compulsively slit his wrists. I had to be around him so I could bandage him up and stop him from bleeding to death everytime he did it. He doesn’t exist in real life (he was completely a figment of my dream)
A: your a nurturer, you like to help people.
i had a dream my dad was on heroin & he slit his wrists.. what tha?
Q: in my dream i was in bed & he came in and he was saying “Look i cut my wrists” he had blood poring down his arms & looked like he was on heroin as well, his eyes looked all creepy & he was was more a nightmare than a dream.. anyone know what that’s about??
A: hey babe,dreams are a way of filtering your thoughts from through out that day!!i wouldn’t be to worried about it. just take dreams as being dreams!!
If someone slit his wrists,how much time will it take him max to die?
Q: Does it make any difference if he cut only one of them?
A: Well if he cuts both wrist deep enough it will make the death a little faster (it could take any where from 30 minutes to 2 hours with both of the wrist/veins bleeding) but if he only cuts one it will probably take about 2 – 5 hours depending on how big the gash is.
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