Is there any way to not have bad dreams

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Look at nice things before you go to sleep, make those your thoughts & make a story in your mind about the good things. ChaCha!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there any way to not have bad dreams
Is there a way to avoid bad dreams?
It is impossible to avoid bad dreams but it is possible to change them. I know this because I have been able to do this. When youre dreaming and the dream turns to a nightmare, the first thing you need to do is try to wake yourself up a bit…
Does anyone else get this way with bad dreams?
in ur mind go through every detail of ur dream ,if u don’t understand the symbolism of it ,don’t worry ,mentally tell urself the dream is over ,u are relaxed and having a very good other words positive affirmations.
What is the better way to control bad dreams?
Interesting but when I was young and was having bad dreams I’d think of them before falling aslepp. For some reason it worked. I wouldn’t have the dreams.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What Causes Bad Dreams And Is There Any Way I Can Use It To My Advantage?
A: Bad dreams are basically internalized conflicts that couldn’t (or can’t) be resolved in the waking state. Simply put, it’s the mind’s way of adjusting and realigning the energy patterns of your emotions by projecting them as mental images. These images could be events (known or unknown) from parts of your life, put together in such a way that the most important parts stand out to you.You actually feel that you’re a inescapable part of that experience, and it becomes your reality for the length of your dreaming state. They could be mild, intense, painful, pleasurable, horrifying, mystifying, miraculous, or even premonitory.There’s more information about the premonitory aspects of dreaming on this site: inside needs a release. And dreams are the natural, instinctive way of unclogging experiential memory.
is there any way to prevent bad dreams..?
Q: well ive been having a few bad dreams lately..i could be cause ive been stressing a little… when i wake up from the dream i wake up really scared and shaky i want them to stop what could i do..?
A: Call 911.
Is there any truth to this? Going to sleep with a full bladder causes bad dreams?
Q: I don’t remember where I heard that, but I’ve heard it a few times and never even thought to question the truth to it.I’ve always assumed its truth, and whenever I think to, I pee before I go to bed.Has anyone else heard this? And is there any truth to it?
A: Why would you want to go to sleep with a full bladder? Most people pee when they have to. If anything, if your bladder does become full when you are asleep you will wake up.
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