Is there any way that you can control your dreams

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Is there any way that you can control your dreams”,you can compare them.

Yes, lucid dreaming is a common way to control your dreams when you sleep. Thanks for choosing ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there any way that you can control your dreams
Is there ANY way to control your dreams?
I used to be obsessed with doing things like this as I love dreaming. It’s called ‘lucid dreaming’ and I used to strive to perfect the art. I don’t really know if it can be taught because in order for it to happen you need to be aware- you …
What way can i control my dreams?
Hello! I am a professional in the Psychology field specializing in dream interpretation and personality differences. I have published two articles on dreams through a public, online syndication called Associated Content. The first article i…
What is the better way to control bad dreams??
Interesting but when I was young and was having bad dreams I’d think of them before falling aslepp. For some reason it worked. I wouldn’t have the dreams.

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Is there any way to control your dreams?
Q: How can I control my dream? I have the weirdest and scariest dreams. I really just want to make them sweet and happy.(If you want to hear the weird and scary dreams, just e-mail me at:[email protected])Thanks!
A: The main thing is…DON’T EAT BEFORE YOU GO TO SLEEP. this will mess your brain up…try looking for pills or something, be happy when you go to sleep
Is there any way to control what goes on your dreams?
Q: Like, can you control what you are thinking and doing in your dream as you are sleeping?
A: Lucid dreaming is correct — it means you are “lucid” or alert within your dreams. Are we living a dream and are our dreams our reality, or vice versa?? Here is a lucid dreaming site: people are able to control easily, others have to work hard at it. I kept a dream diary for over 15 years! If you start by laying and remembering your dream, then getting up and writing it down, and keep doing that, it will help you to focus on your dreaming, and with some practice you may find yourself controlling your dreams more. Often we can “go back into” a dream once we wake up — that seems to be a time when we “control” it more — because we had become conscious but in a semi-sleep state, and then go back to the dream more “lucidly.” Give it a try! Good luck!
Is there any way to control or influence your dreams?
Q: I want to have more sex dreams 😛
A: This site has all my answers when it comes to dreams or dream interpretations.Let me know if this [email protected]://
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