Is there a way to control what you dream about MORE

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Incubation. Lucid dreaming is a learned skill and occurs when you are dreaming, you realize you are dreaming and you are…More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a way to control what you dream about MORE
Is there ANY way to control your dreams?
I used to be obsessed with doing things like this as I love dreaming. It’s called ‘lucid dreaming’ and I used to strive to perfect the art. I don’t really know if it can be taught because in order for it to happen you need to be aware- you …
What is the simplest way to control your dream?
I don’t think you can but sometimes I could do something that is sort of like controlling your dream. Often, I could tell when I am dreaming, but other times I can’t. I am lucky to be able to tell when I am dreaming when I have a nightmare …
Is there a way to control what i dream?
this is a question of becoming more solid, comfortable, and practiced in what is called by some the dreaming or astral body. there are many exercises and books that deal with the subject. look up lucid dreaming and astral body for more deta…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a way to control what I dream about?
Q: Besides lucid dreaming, is there another way to control what I dream about. For example, if I want to dream about something I’m writing about, is there a way to do this? I’ve had dreams about my writings and stories before, and they’ve helped me out with them, so I was wondering if I could have more somehow?
A: the reason your dreams have helped your writing is because they are formed by a part of your mind that is beyond conscious control. if you try to control them you will find they are a lot less useful to your writing.
Is there a way to control what you dream about as you go to sleep?
Q: If this is possible, is there a certain thought pattern one should have in regards to what they wish to dream that night or is it virtually impossible to control?
A: There is no way of controlling dreams. Dreams only occur in deep REM when you are very relxed, and they could originate from what you ate, are worried about, etc.
Is there any way to control what you dream about?
Q: Usually when I talk to certain people before I sleep or in between wake and sleep, I will dream about that person. Is there any way to actually dictate what happens in them?
A: You definitely can! There’s an awesome technique called Lucid Dreaming. Not only can you dictate what happens in your dreams, you can do things you wouldn’t dream of doing in reality. No pun intended! Here’s a link to info about Lucid Dreaming: I helped!
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