Is physic real

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Is physic real”,you can compare them.

Do you mean psychics? Some people believe they are real, but there is no scientific research to support that. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is physic real
Are physic powers real?
O I know what this is! Everyone has some sort of Aura around them wherever they go, no joke at all! But this ‘Aura Field’ is pretty large and when something that you can’t normally sense enters this ‘field’ you get these tingling sensations…
Whose a real physic?
damn, and while you psycics are at it, can you find my sublime backpack too? i lost it last thursday, brand new, i had it less than one day,, and my clarinet case was with it (all this at chaffey high school)
Are you a real physic?
I am someone who has the gift. I can sometimes read minds, I can sense the presence of spirits, and frequently can communicate with them. From time to time I can see them as physical entities. I can tell you that sometimes it sure doesn’t f…

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Can a real physic please answer my question?
Q: Okay, I’m not looking for dumb answers, so everyone who has nothing nice to say or isn’t a real physic please don’t comment.I am always thinking about death and i want to know if i am going to die at a young age?
A: Do you mean Psychic?
do you think that sylvia browne is a real physic?
Q: i think she is a true physic… like a gift from God, because she helps the FBI solve murder mysterys…. if you dont think she is real then why????
A: Browne began performing psychic readings since 1973 and has attracted a large following. She has performed thousands of one-on-one readings and with a wide variety of groups and individuals. Her son, Chris also claims to be a psychic and Browne’s grandmother made similar claims. Browne claims to have provided information to police departments and the FBI, however police officers and family members say that in all 35 cases she worked on she played no useful role.[2] She also claimed she has advised former U.S. presidents; but little evidence exists to support these claims.Browne has made many predictions of varying accuracy, including that Bill Clinton was falsely accused in the Lewinsky scandal (proved incorrect), that Bill Bradley would win the 2000 U.S. presidential election with the Reform Party coming in second, the “hiding in caves” of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, the death of bin Laden (later reported by the CIA as incorrect), a verdict of “not guilty” in the Robert Blake case (later established to be correct), and the appearance of alien life on Earth by the year 2010. Browne failed to predict the September 11, 2001 attacks but after the fact claimed she had disturbing dreams involving a lot of fire in the week preceding the attack
are there any actaul real physic sites on the internet? for FREE?
Q: like ones that see into your spirit and tell you what your future is? also do you think they’re all fake?? are there ANY real physic numbers or like.. anything (not too expensive) i really need help someone tell me where to go to find stuff out.
A: It’s very doubtful. However, most psychics do not charge an arm and a leg. If you don’t personally know of any psychics in your area, try looking in your yellow pages (seriously), call him/her, and ask for references.Remember though that they cannot guarantee that their abilities will work 100% of the time.
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