Is nature or nurture more important in child development

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Is nature or nurture more important in child development”,you can compare them.

There is no definite answer to that question, but my opinion is that nature is more important to a child as it’s developing. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is nature or nurture more important in child development
Why Is Nature And Nurture Debate Important In Child Development??
Because Nature is Chomsky’s and Lenneberg’s ideas on innatism, we are born with something to learn language but nurture that is not important, instead the input, what the child is taught by repetition etc SKinner ideas of stimulus-response …
What would Sigmund Freud view be on the child development nature …?
Nurture, of course. Many of his theories involved parental actions/inactions determining who you are as an adult (i.e. his psychosexual stages)
What do you think has a greater impact on the development of the …?
Writing a psych or sociology paper are we? Well actually both play an equal influence. Children are born with certain personality traits. We know now from positive psychology that every individual has a set level of happiness and despite w…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Which is more important; Nature or Nurture in the development of a child?
A: I vote nurture, but there is no wrong answer here.A child raised in the slums with barely a roof over his head has the potential to soar just as well as a student born with a silver spoon in their mouth. I believe that a person is mostly a culmination of all their experiences. How they respond to the world is based on previous events and their parents experiences and influence. I believe that a good parent can raise a strong, confident and successful child no matter what their home looks like. I also believe that an abusive parent can ruin even a child born in to the most promising of situations. That is why women who pay big bucks to be artificially inseminated by geniuses don’t get to raise little genius babies.
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