Is my wife manic depressive

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More Answers to “Is my wife manic depressive
Is my wife bipolar or manic depressive?
Bipolar and Manic Depressive are the same thing… Bipolar is the newer term for the same condition. And yes, it does sound like she is. Especially with the mother’s diagnosis… those things can run in the family. She has severe anger mana…

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My wife has manic depressive disorder And refuses help will this help me get custody of children?
Q: She is on medication but misses her pills and gets drunk and becomes abussive to me in front of children and now she has acussed me of rape I got read my rights and charges we re dropped after tests were neg. In court she even went as far to say she was affraid I would do it to my 2yr daughter . So now im fightin for custdy of my 3 children does anybody know if her havin this disorder will help me?
A: I feel sorry for your children. It is difficult growing up with a manic depressive who refuses meds. I would be willing to almost bet that you would have not to many problems getting custody if she refuses meds…in fact you could even try to go for supervised visitaitons on her part. My mother was manic and refused meds…life was literally hell.
Is my wife bipolar or manic depressive?
Q: I’ve been married 8 years and seperated because I believe my wife cheated on me after I found texts and letters. I’ve always loved her but life with her has been hard. Early on she abused me physically and I let her. Simple disagreements that all couples have would turn into a violent altercation. She would say sorry and I would move on but it kept happening. She could be real sweet but if something did’nt go her way she would snap.She could be sitting at the computer trying to fix her myspace profile and if I would just say “Hey” she would scream at me “What the fuck do you want.” Or if anything made her mad she was mad at the world. She would always end up apologizing. She only sees things her way and if I say “Hey thats not right” she would have an attitude and I could not get through to her. She does like to stay up all night but I dont know if it is a habit she formed. Her mother is bipolar for the record. I have caught her in lies saying that for example that her friend was moving in with her ex boyfriend, coming to find out her friend never said that. She swears up and down she never cheated but I found texts telling her ex she loved him and when I speak to her now about it she ends up not being civil or reasonable. There is a lot to tell so I hope this is enough does this sound familiar to anyone?
A: Bipolar and Manic Depressive are the same thing… Bipolar is the newer term for the same condition. And yes, it does sound like she is. Especially with the mother’s diagnosis… those things can run in the family. She has severe anger management problems as well… different story altogether.
My wife is majoring in pshycology and has just been diag. manic depressive, how can i help? is it dangerous?
Q: this is really disturbing for her, and I aswell, she will not talk to me or anyone at thst point.I feel helpless and restless,but , I LOVE HER, CAN ANYONE HELP?
A: Your wife is not talking probably because she is trying to “process” what she’s just found out; I’m sure it was a big shock. The best thing you can do for her right now is just be supportive, listen when she is ready to talk, and let her know that you will support her in any therapy or medications she has to take to get better. Never ever down her for taking “crazy pills” like my ex-husband did when I was diagnosed with major depression. Don’t push her to hard right now, just love her, hold her and reassure her that you stand behind her 100 percent, no matter what happens. God Bless the two of you and I pray that she finds the right help she needs. This is not the end of her life, she can function quite normally (as I have done) with the proper medication and counseling. Good luck.
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