If you die in your dream will you really die

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Dreams predicting the future is a long-standing myth. There’s no proof that they foretell anything. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-die-in-your-dream-will-you-really-die ]
More Answers to “If you die in your dream will you really die
Is it true that if you die in a dream, you really die??
That is false. Dreams don’t influence your actual life like that. Dreams have been misunderstood throughout history. They are healthy and normal, and each person has a dream every time they enter R.E.M. (rapid eye movement) sleep whether th…
Can you really die in your dreams?
You can die in your dreams, but you can’t have a dream that in it, you die, and then in real life you die. not like freddy Kreuger no. but, if you have a severe enough nightmare, and have heart problems, like if you’re 80, then you can have…
Did warrik really die on csi las vegas??? or was it a dream??
yeah i could not belive it when i see it but yes he dies on the last chapter of the eight season but its says that he will come back look at this “It is unknown as of yet whether Warrick will actually die, but Carol Mendelsohn has said…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

if you have a dream where you die in your dream, will you really die?
Q: last night i had a dream i had done something and was on death row for it and was standing before the firing squad. i woke up just before they shot me. there have been several other dreams where i have been in a very bad looking situation, but always wake up just before, drowning, getting shot, hit by something, falling…do you think if a person dies in there dream they will never wake up?
A: dieing in a dream is a good sign, the start of something new or its giving you the sign to start something newYou won’t die becuase of a dream, though i do wonder what people dream of if they die in their sleep. I guess it would be a tunnel with a light at the end..
Is it true that if you die in your dream you really die?
Q: I read somwhere that if you die in a dream before you wake, that you actually die, because you feel that it’s real. Can you explain why or why not.
A: How would we know? Those it may have happened to are dead !
If you get killed in your dream, and dont wake up, will you die for real?
Q: I heard from a friend once, that if you have a dream and you die (in your dream), but dont wake up, you will actually die for real.Any idea on the facts of that?
A: did u frnd tell u this….did he had this dream…..if he had then why isnt he dead yet…..those are just stories……dont believe in them…
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