How many hugs a day do I need

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How many hugs a day do I need”,you can compare them.

You should get as many hugs as possible. You can never get enough hugs. Thanks for doing the ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many hugs a day do I need
How many hugs do you need per day to stay emotionally healthy??
at least 5 I’ve heard 10 and the more hugs the better in my book!
How was your day today? Need a hug?
Ehhhhhhh it was okay. I was in my Computer class all day because our teacher was gone. So it could have been better thank gosh it was half a day. How was your day? Hug from Kansas!
Why do I feel like I need to hug my girlfriend all day??
you probably feel that way for many reasons, 1) might be that you feel over protective of her and as if you need to be with her to show her but you’re doing it unintentionally, 2nd reason might be because you’re actually experiencing love! …

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Q: .Haven’t you heard of the ‘Hugging Judge’ Lee Shapiro?According to Virginia Satir, “We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for Growth.”Do you agree with this ‘Message On Hugs’?How many HUGS, Do You think, You need a day ?Why not we Start Today & Everyday with ((((((((((((( HUGs))))))))))) ?..
A: Well Thank you my sweeT ThaT was a good hug. BuT I love all your hugs. And as soon as my liTTle one walks Thru The door I’ll geT plenTy of hugs.
How many hugs do I need in a day comfortably and how can I get it.?
Q: If you go to any sports show you will see artlects recieving hugsIn the Army, you see the deplored giving and recieving hugsIn the air ports, there are a great full of scene in hugs and kisses. So how much do and average person needs in a day
A: Everybody needs hugs every day. Get them from your family. If you cant get them at home try the following:Stand in a major shopping mall or public area with a sign saying “free hugs” and I promise you will get plenty of free hugs. There was a guy who started doing that in the main street in Sydney (Aust) – I gave him a hug…. 12 months later he appeared on Oprah!! Just for offering free hugs.
How many hugs a day on average do you get?
Q: I think it’s something really important to get lots of them! Just curious 🙂
A: man. i only get like 1 a week IF that!
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