How many hours do you have to stay awake to start hallucinating

Health related question in topics Biology Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How many hours do you have to stay awake to start hallucinating”,you can compare them.

Three or more days without sleep can bring on hallucinations. Thanks for asking ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many hours do you have to stay awake to start hallucinating
How Many Hours Can U Stay Awake? Before U Start Hallucinating??
well you wont do too well on your test tomorrow of u don’t sleep now. when the body doesn’t get sleep just after a day, ur body starts going though phases much like you are intoxicated…so if you don’t want to take a test intoxicated, you …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How Many Hours Can U Stay Awake? Before U Start Hallucinating?
Q: I haven’t slept since sunday night because I’ve had a BUNCH of papers to write…procrastinations a bitch! Anyways its been about 42 hours I’ve been awake, and I cant imagine I’ll b able to sleep tonight with this paper to finish considering I’ve got a 9 AM class, and TEST? So how long does it take?Well I took adderall last night to stay up and concentrate on my paper. Does that affect it?
A: I was up for about 30 hours before i did haha!
Is it true that if I stay awake long enough I’ll start hallucinating?
Q: I’ve been awake for 25 1/2 hours now and I’m not even tired (the result of too much caffiene).I’ve stayed awake for 36+ hours many times before, my record is 46 hours, and I never hallucinated because of it.How long does someone need to stay awake before they start hallucinating or is that just an urban legend to get kids to go to bed?I don’t want to hallucinate. I’m not trying to. I just want to beat my 46 hour record and want to know if I can do that WITHOUT hallucinating.
A: my record was 9 days on the 9th day i was hearing auditory hallucinations (hearing people call my name which was kind of startling and hearing talking when no one was speaking) and had slight visuals. i thought there were flat toad like things under my paper so i was trying to pin them down with a pencil untill i realised what i was doing and stoped and went to bed
How long do you need to stay awake until you start hallucinating?
Q: i want to experiment. currently, i’m on hour #29
A: It’s usually a full three days without any sleep at all that induces visual, auditory and other sensory hallucinations.
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